Greetings all. It looks like you are about to get started here, and I'm curious if I could fit in a role somewhere. I've read the OC and all the characters, and I'm thinking I could play one of a few different things, potentially. I thought about playing a potential, *traitor* hunter. This is a guy who's grown up with hard luck, seen the bad side of humanity, and seriously doubts they don't need some culling. He might even be jealous of vampires, naively thinking they are more free from the tangles of human life and society. Maybe fear keeps him in line, maybe he could set free a captured vampire in secret, something like that. But you do have like 3 hunters. I could alternatively play a turned vampire. I'd like this vampire to be old enough to be settled in the society, have a set place, perhaps blood relations to current other characters. He'd side with vampires over humans, and hence be "evil" more or less, but not a cruel butcher. He'd be trying to protect purebloods and save his own kind. I would rather not play a pureblood vampire because I don't feel I could play that role appropriate for a world I did not generate and am not co-gming etc. Which character do you like best? I can get a CS up this weekend.