[@LadyRunic] What's this about orc hunters, and something snatching up my [i]farm wife?[/i] Wait, he, he's insulting me, isn't he? Why would he insult me? Now, he's asking me if I can fight? So, weird... "What are you talking about, I don't have a wife, and I certainly don't have a farm... so how could I have a farm wife? And, why would I want to fight you? That would be a stupid idea, as I can't fight, not in the way you could. And I don't need a group of orc hunters, not in particular." He was odd, even by human standards I believed. "So, to answer all you're questions in an easier to understand way, I don't have a farm wife to be snatched, I just want someone, or someones, willing to travel and fight some, uh, worse-than-orc creatures. Oh! And I don't want to fight you. There, all done. And if that is too hard to understand, please tell me, I know the drinks in these establishments can make it hard to understand people." I said. "And, make you harder to understand." I added as an afterthought.