[i][u]Caleb, Robyn, and Valencia[/u][/i] Caleb's fear turned out to be unnecessary. When the trio arrived at the river, the sight that greeted them was quite… un-river-like. The air was heavy and humid, droplets of water gathered on the various leaves and shrubs along the bank like dew. The river itself, though, was completely gone. In its place was a soggy trench, two yards deep and a dozen wide. Algae and plants laid limp at the bottom, clinging to the weathered stones there. Every now and then, small dots of pearlescent light glinted in the sun. Resting between the rocks and silt were small, shining beads. [@jordy0403][@LizLegend][@ariplotter] [hr] [i][u]Clifford[/u][/i] The man immediately froze at Clifford's approach. The crow screeched a greeting (or a warning) and his hand shot to the hilt of the sword leaning against his side. It was already halfway drawn by the time the man actually looked Clifford over. He sat there, frozen and observing. His grip never wavered. Then the man seemed to form some sort of conclusion. He stared Clifford in the eye for a moment and then with his free hand reached into a pack at his side. He lobbed a small tin at him, holding a dull red salve. [@SepticGentleman] [hr] [i][u]Charles and Luce[/u][/i] As the roots tightened their hold on Charles, Luce found the woman standing at the base of an ancient, twisted tree. Resting on its branches was a shambling house, just as old and overgrown as the tree was. The woman stared at Luce impassively before turning and climbing up the makeshift ladder nailed to the bark. [b]"The world's hungry for all sortsa life,"[/b] her voice cracked through the fog. [b]"A want that strong tends to rub off on ya."[/b] She paused in her climbing to look back over her shoulder at Luce. [b]"Best start climbing, sprout. Before they sniff ya out again."[/b] [@user][@alina13] [hr] [u][i]Bishop, Cronus, and Morgan[/i][/u] A woman's scream suddenly cut through the air. The scammer jumped a bit at the sound, but otherwise didn't seem too concerned. [b]"She's just so relieved to be free from her troubles here… it was a scream for joy! Like we say here, when trouble comes a-knockin', head down to Nocklin! So… those hoops?"[/b] He smiled a filthy, gap toothed smile and held his open hand out. The woman screamed again. [@Bishop][@Billsomething]