Both duels of Round 3 came to a close, and the people who fought each other seemed to take it pretty well. The audience cheered after Leander and Zacharie after their respective wins. [color=#cd3d11]"THE WINNERS ARE CLEAR!"[/color] Melchior suddenly shouted over all the loud ruckus, though the crowd didn't quite stop immediately. [color=#cd3d11]"We may have seen the birth of some great entertainment duelists today! Over in Arena one we have seen Leander Xenovia and Hayato Ray putting on a show. Hayato had started off slow, trying to lure out his opponent, but Leander didn't fall for the bait! Once his face-down monster was revealed it became non-stop action! Both sides were summoning monsters one after the other, and in the end, Leander decided to finish it off with the first ever Synchro Summon of the year! The final blow was dealt by his Parshath, and with the 6600 lifepoints remaining it was made clear Hayato had gotten beaten! Congratulations, Leander!"[/color] [color=#cd3d11]"But that is not all!"[/color] Melchior continued, obviously having been pumped up. [color=#cd3d11]"In Arena two we saw the humorous display of Spellbooks and Chaos Emissaries, though Vincent could not keep up. Zacharie summoned one thing after another and with the amount of spells they played, was able to draw into the right card they needed! Vincent had tried a comical move with Book of Moon, but alas. You can not beat a library by adding another book to it's roster. Vincent put up a good fight, but Zacharie pulled through for the win! Congratulations, Zacharie!"[/color] Once more, in the middle of the room, a screen slashed up displaying all the names of those who have not yet dueled. First up was someone named Ben, shooting its way through the crowd of names. After about a minute, it connected with Angelo. [color=#cd3d11]"IT IS HERE! We have out duelists for the first duel of the fourth round! We have seen Ben's brother, Andre duel earlier on stage, where Andre made a bold declaration that his brother will perform better than he did! This could easily be the greatest match yet! Angelo, show us that you can beat this unstoppable duo!"[/color] And once more, two names connected. This time, there was a name in between brackets that got chosen first. "Mary", it read. The line jutted out of the nickname and connected pretty much straight away with another one, one who was listed right below. Richard. Suddenly the screen shifted again to show the two groups' faces and full names, now revealing that "Mary" is actually called Marisyaliwamivylira. The shortening was probably for convenience. Her last name was Ael again, showing a third member of that family being in the school. [color=#cd3d11]"HERE WE GO! We now know both duelists for the second duel, MARY AEL and RICHARD TRIG!" The Ael clan has shown to do nothing but win today, with both Venwyn and Akemi having taken victories over there respective opponents! Will Mary show the same level of skill, or will Richard trounce the Ael's winning streak in this duel?! It's time to find out! DUELISTS, IT'S TIME TO DUEL! Make your way over to the arena and show the academy what you're made of![/color]