After the duels ended he started to look for his sister who once again ran off somewhere else for whatever reason but while looking for his sister he found that boy he saw his sister drag around the place "Yo! I saw that duel of yours. Losing ain't exactly a gre-" Hayato said before someone crashed into him [color=00aeef]"Sorry! Sorry!"[/color] a familiar voice was heard after hearing that voice you could hear Hayato sigh and simply ignored it [color=0072bc]"Sorry about my sister dragging you around like that, she tends to drag me around when looking for people or stuff and she always runs past that same thing she is looking for around 5 times"[/color] [color=00aeef]"not my fault, you are just hard to find"[/color] Hayate said to her brother and looked at the person he was looking for whom he almost ran past for the 2nd time [color=00aeef]"ah there you are! i was looking for you ever since my duel ended, i was hoping you'd watch my brothers duel with me[/color] Hayate said to the young man who without a doubt would be pressured by the twins talking to him at the same time as they are with each other [color=0072bc]"it kinda is, whenever you start running you just don't stop."[/color] Hayato said as he remembered that he forgot to bring his former opponent with him after he told him to wait somewhere and yet again figured he will find him, he's not that hard to find anyways [color=0072bc]"do you have a name? knowing my sister she probably didn't ask you yet."[/color] He chuckled at the idea of her asking people's names [color=00aeef]"i was going to! after the duel that is"[/color] Hayate retaliated even though it was merely a joke from her brother [color=00aeef]"I just had a hard time finding him[/color] Hayato chuckled at Hayate's reaction [color=0072bc]"well isn't that perfect then, because i just asked for you"[/color] Hayato turned to the boy once again without a doubt it would be awkward to listen to what they were doing for him and simply scratched his head trying to think of something to say before Hayate broke the awkward silence that came after the bickering [color=00aeef]"So what dorm do you think we'll end up in?[/color] Hayato asked curious for her new friend's thoughts in which Hayato just simply stayed quiet to prevent further confusion