When Robert was a boy, living on the streets all on his own, one activity he enjoyed to do was to visit the library. There were countless numbers of books and, if you were to ask, most of the librarians there would have sworn that that redheaded child had read every single one. As the pack of Beowolves closed in around him and the burning rage he had just felt quickly turned to fear and worry, Robert recalled a specific line from one of those many books. It was some sort of guide, for hitchhiking if memory served him right, that read, "What to do if you find yourself stuck with no hope of rescue: Consider yourself lucky that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your present circumstances seems more likely, consider yourself lucky that it won't be troubling you much longer." In that moment though, Robert decided that if he was going to die, he wasn't going to lie down and take it. At first he activated the ballistic form of his bracers, but soon realized that, with his team so near, that firing shots off in random directions would only lead to disaster. Switching back to his weapons' blade form, Robert charged at the nearest Beowolf. The team leader aimed for the beast's jugular, causing the Grimm to try to duck underneath. It underestimated the huntsman-in-training's speed though and was met with both blades in its eyesockets. One of the Beowolves thought that Robert had now left himself open for attack and lunged forward to take a bite out of him. The boy quickly raised his leg and kicked the Grimm's face though, sending shards of broken teeth in all directions. These weren't dumb animals though, and it didn't take long for them to realize that attacking one at a time was a foolhardy plan. While one Beowulf tried to turn his head into a chew toy, another used its claws to try and take a swipe out of him. In the blink of an eye, Robert changed one bracer to its ballistic mode and put a 10mm round between the hungry Grimm's eyes. He attempted to use the other bracer to block the incoming claw, but was too slow, allowing the claw to rip through his flesh. Robert collapsed on the ground in pain. He wasn't going to last much longer if his team didn't try to help him.