"Damn it..." Akira mumbled to himself as the portal temporarily closed after he was shoved through, only opening once more to allow Allura through. When Allura reassured him, Akira smiled. "Yeah, not like it's his first run in with Reapers. He's been here for a while scoping the place out." Following after Allura as they headed deeper into the crypt it wasn't long before the chanting commenced on the passage that Allura was leading them on. He didn't understand what was being spoken in the chant but he recognised it clearly 'Necromancer' Akira thought to himself, drawing his sword in sync with Allura readying her staff. As they got closer Akira moved his free hand to cover his nose, he had no intention of fully subjecting himself to horrid smells that would engulf their senses. He couldn't cut it off entirely but he could at least dampen its effects. Or so he thought, Akira almost instantly hunched over, the smell even more intrusive then he was used to from a Necromancers lair. He breathed heavily as his human side forced him to hurl from the wretched smell, his watery eyes observed the room cautiously wiping the natural reaction away to get a more clearer view just in time to hear [color=f7976a]"Ah, my guests are finally here... but I must say, I expected you two to arrive much earlier than this."[/color] Easily provoked Akira responded. "So eager to die that you were growing impatient were we?" [color=f7976a]"Now, now boy. There's no need for hostility. Come in, come in.... oh but do watch the devil traps"[/color] Akira had already been walking into the room, before the offer was made and he staggered to the side as he forced himself to stop the natural order of walking to prevent himself stepping into one such trap. "So, you know why I'm here." [color=f7976a]"But of course, Hades was ever so forth coming Akira, I know exactly why you're here. Oh, you can stop hiding by the way I know you're there."[/color] As the necromancer stopped speaking Hades stepped out from another connecting corridor, though something seemed slightly off it soon became clear that Hades was being forced to move. [color=f7976a]"Tell us... it's Allura isn't it? Could you tell this man, is really undead from looking at him?" [/color] The necromancer asked indicating toward Hades. [color=f7976a]"Of course, he has all the indications to argue against it. For instance I find it fascinating how, well toned his skin is... for a man without a beating heart."[/color] Akira looked at the floor trying to find a way through the devils traps in order to close the gaps, but to no avail. [color=f7976a]"Yet despite being undead..."[/color] The necromancer walked towards the controlled Hades before ramming a knife into his gut. [color=f7976a]"If you stab him in the right place, when he looks like this at least... it does seem to hurt him fairly significantly."[/color] As Hades hunched from the wound a black entity swirled beneath, and then seemed to grow and swallow him whole. [color=f7976a]"Then he turns into this... robed skeleton, he's quite the interesting specimen. Much better then all the ones that are buried here."[/color] The necromancer, apparently finished with his demonstration stepped away from Hades. [color=f7976a]"But before we continue, to evenings main event. Do you know why Akira was so eager to deal with the local towns 'necromancer threat?"[/color]