[center][hider=Omen][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c1/0b/ee/c10beeebfac6619ea91df80c77963f17.jpg[/img] [color=f26522][b]Name:[/b][/color] Omen [color=f26522][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=f26522][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 [b][color=f26522]Appearance:[/color][/b] ((I'll go into more detail on the morrow.)) [i]A side note - Ignore the Katana. That's where his leather bound book is.[/i] [color=f26522][b]Magic:[/b][/color] [i]"A hue of sable red which tastes of copper... blood... the moment we lose such an invaluable solution, our souls depart, leaving us but an empty husk of internal organs and wasting meat that festers over each agonizing passing."[/i] Blood is what Omen specializes in... While he is a neophyte in terms of power, he can get quite creative with his blood, mainly in terms of damaging opponents through wiles. He can set up blood traps which is currently limited to a simple bear trap which snags the assailants leg... or an unlucky ally. Next isn't as costly, but if used too much can lead to a deadly price. Omen can turn his blood into bullets for Bloody Mary since it is much more inexpensive than using regular bullets... slightly. Of course, what other things he can do with his crimson bullets is yet to be seen. The future is ripe with the sickening tang of copper. [color=f26522][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] [color=f26522]"To me, it feels rather peculiar to be wielding one of these... whether it is the atmosphere or my own psyche, I better not let it get the best of me..."[/color] [b][color=662d91]Oblivion:[/color][/b] The sword he wields is nothing special... maybe; save for the blessed craftsmanship of the blade and hilt. Etched on the protruding hilts are the words "Oblivion;" seems a bit stronger than other swords, but it really isn't; it is really the ornateness that makes it appear to be extraordinary. [b][color=ed1c24]Bloody Mary:[/color][/b] A gun with nonexistent bullets is more than useless in this realm. However, this break action dueling pistol specialty is dealt with warm crimson hues; it can use other bullets, but to get the most out of it, he has to load it with his crimson fluids. It holds only a single shot at a time, and is accurate; it does take some time to reload though. If Omen wants more strength from the gun, he should not only use blood for the gun, but the blood itself must be sweeter and much more developed than the other predecessors. [color=9e0b0f][b]The Crimson Sabbath:[/b][/color] A simple leather bound book absent of any words or colors, save for a reddish splatter on the first few pages. Other that the rust-like pages, the others are unabridged and not stained by any hue, making them completely blank. What it does is completely unknown, even to the wielder, Omen, himself... hell, it might not even [i]do[/i] anything useful in skirmishes, save for recording useful information. Why it is called The Crimson Sabbath is because of the first page which crudely spells out the title of this enigmatic book. Personality: Zany isn't something to describe Omen as, but still heralds a bit of humor in these passing days. Even with the awakening, Omen tries to keep an undiluted, calm attitude in such cataclysmic hours. Persistent can be used as another way to talk about him, as Omen will work at discovering things unknown and unseen to him, as his amnesia and how he was born into this realm. Also, he does herald some thought for each action, displaying a sense of morale in a realm depraved of one with misery and creeping shades. Never displaying despair outwith his own mind, he will attempt to greet each passing abomination with a stalwart gaze in hopes of piercing the dark. In other words, he is brave, but only to influence others in confidently taking heed against their assailants. At most, you can imagine him to be the kind of guy who doesn't leave an ally behind. However, even with virtues, there will be vices within. Perception is deadly though as if one discerns him even closer, they might discover that he is actually very terrified of the transpiring events. As if it wasn't enough, he can be a bit snarky at times, despite the little facade he displays. Underneath it all, he desperately does yearn for the old past, despite the facet that he can rebuild a new one. Likewise, his persistence can be a burden at times, for a few reasons. Dragging on a possible mission for too long if there is some fortune in the form of knowledge pertaining to the story behind this realm, and his past. Recovering those shattered memories heralds such significance to him, that he feels incomplete. In retrospect, it might be for the best that he perishes the thought to others, but he could care less if it was volatile and cataclysmic... Cutting through this realm and seeking the truth is all he cares for, whilst safeguarding his companions to calm his own inward turmoil. Bio: [color=f26522]"The only thing I can recall is waking up with the clothes and skin on my back... Shouldn't I be remembering more than that?"[/color] Once he was ______ ______. That slate known as his past dissipated into thin air in a car accident that left him in a coma... his girlfriend and other companions were put into the hospital, but were not thrust upon the fate ______ would endure as they could of caught a cold case of death... maybe. Who knew as his memories were wiped, save for his wits and common sense to an extent. Now he has transpired into a broken realm with a new name bestowed to him by a hunter. ______ was asleep amidst the plague of nightmares, but Omen was born from the gleaming crimson of slumber with a few items at his side... ... [i][color=f26522]"... I hear... sirens... my vision is blurry... almost as if this world is fogging up..."[/color][/i] ... A college student, that's what he once was. Making it through each passing year, all while savoring each moment he had with his companions. They went through rough times, but with support from each other and their merit scholarships. Most of them dropped out within the first two years due to funds or lost initiative, but ______ stayed close with those who weathered the storm; they all became a tight knit community, one of which that could be mistaken for a family of sorts. ______ was able to work his way into the nursing program, along with ______, and ______ too. The trio were rivals too, competing for a chance at furthering their careers in a nursing school. Of course, to remedy such a possibly volatile friendship and rivalry, ______, ______ lover would often take strides to keep them all in line, all while ______, and the others giggled at the whole spiel. Unlike ______, ______ was majoring in another course, which ______ still struggles to recall at times since he found the whole process to be painstakingly numb. [i]The rest is a blank dream.[/i] [color=f26522]"... ugh, this is frustrating. I can only withdraw those remnants, save for a deafening screech... Oy, can you explain what's going on?"[/color] Other: [i]Hey I did say he couldn't recall his own name, so wynaut remove all names from his backstory? Also, his real name is hidden somewhere in the personality I created for him; it was annoying to discern how to go about it, but hell, I did it.[/i][/hider][/center]