The approach of the white-haired brawler, his eerie eyes piercing the gloom with freakish emerald light, went unacknowledged and unnoticed by Otsune. Lying on the floor, curled up and shut down, fitful shivers her only movements and rough lengths of twine her only companion, she in fact needed help so incredibly obviously and badly that she could not physically ask for it. As such, when the brute jammed his booted foot into her guts, and in a bass monotone inquired as to whether or not she possibly required into assistance, he received no reply from the terrified woman. Neither did the movements of Bishop or Donny perturb her, not even when the latter collided with her in the dark and tumbled onto the rough, unkind tomb floor. Only the explosion of costly, mercury-filled steel against the ground penetrated the veil of senselessness into which Otsune had receded. She flinched visibly when Maria wasted her bullet in an act of intimidation, which no doubt frightened the captives every bit as much as, if not more than, the mad cannibal. If Otsune still possessed eyes to hear or ears to see, she would not have regarded the deathly-pale huntress as a hero of any sort, instead another nightmarish threat, and one far more deadly than the age-stricken loon. Putting up only a slight, semiconscious resistance, she allowed herself to be rolled over and her bonds worked at. Despite the miraculous speed and deftness with which Donny undid her restraints, she remained silent and limp, each little freedom only giving her added ability to confine herself. Once fully unbound, she lay as still as a corpse. For the first time since her rude awakening, silence settled over the room, and in this lull of tranquility the pounding of Otsune's brain began to wane. Inch by inch it gave up its stranglehold over her body, though not until her senses told her no nightmarish danger remained would they relinquish her to awaken anew and regain her lucidity. She longed for some kind of help, some sort of sign that she wasn't alone, forsaken, and lost, to use as a foundation for pulling herself together.