[hider=Caval Avaine] Name: Caval Avaine Gender: Male Age: 29 Appearance: Caval is by no means an opposing figure he often curls into himself and when talking to people he tries to avoid eye contact. Caval stands at 5ft 9" and has blue eyes that are more often then not bloodshot he has messy blond hair. His face is rugged with a five o'clock shadow. He wears rough leather armour with a long black hooded clock his boot are about 2 sizes to big and Caval often looks like a lost puppy. Magic: Shadow Weapon: longsword: Caval carries a sword made of steel, the hilt is adorned with shiny rocks. While the sword is cracked it is still sharp enough to draw blood. One-handed crossbow: For places the sword cannot reach Caval uses a basic wooden crossbow, Caval doesn't use the crossbow often as it is clunky and time consuming to shoot. Personality: Caval is not quite there, despite using his magic a handful of times his mind has been polluted by shadow, while still being able to make decision and hold conversations he still drifts off sometimes. He suffers from nightmares as a result of his magic and often only get 4-5 hours of sleep, if he sleeps at all. Despite being a sandwhich short of a picnic Caval is very intelligent and intuitive when he is functioning correctly he can hold a conversation and can figure out riddles and puzzles. Caval is very childlike and has the same innocence as a child would have, being very naive in the process this however makes him a friend to everyone, this however is not always a good thing and people do take advantage of him due to his deteriorated mental state. Bio: Caval doesn't remember anything other than him being is an pristine hospital room but he does remember feeling frightened, other than that his mind is blank. Other: (Anything the above didn't already cover.)[/hider]