When Sinthe didn't get a reply he choose to just give up on the tied up person, choosing not to help her at all, But before the white haired glowing eyed man could even leave the unresponsive woman to her fate, the man from earlier choose to intervene, he had untied the girl on his own and fashioned some type of longer rope, Sinthe felt like he and the man met before in a different type of time, but felt their meeting was kinda short in a way, like He and the guy met but were distant with one another Sinthe held his head and looked at the guy while he asked the new blonde lady questions. Sinthe wasn't gonna join the pointless badgering that the man was doing he could easily tell that he wasn't where he was originally, he wasn't going to panic or get crazy, he was a bit curious about the woman that remained on the floor and about the others around the room around them, when Sinthe laid his eyes on the woman he didn't recognize her or get a feeling that he knew her in any way shape or form he stared at the pale woman before she fired a shot at the old man without hesitation, then threatened him." [color=a2d39c]Well I can see that the people are friendly here towards one another, give a good look on how we'll be treated.[/color]" Sinthe spoke aloud.