Name: Alexander Redson Species: Human- Hunter. Age: 35 Appearance: Alexander looks pretty average. That's good, it helps him blend into crowds. Alexander stands at the fairly average height of 5'10" and has neck length shaggy brown hair. Alexander's eyes are a dull green in color and grant him stellar 20/20 vision. His face is of an average build. Nothing exceedingly unattractive yet nothing that would standout as handsome or unique. Alexander has fairly average shoulders and an okay build due to a spotty workout routine. Alexander's skin is rather pale and he never seems to take a tan for any amount of time, he never complains about this. Alexander has little to no deviation in his wardrobe choices and owns several identical sets of clothing. His standard appearance consists of a plain grey knit cap that he keeps folded just above his eyes. This cap covered the tips of his ears and his forehead, but it can cover his whole face if he unfurls it. His standard appearance consists of a plain black Tee-Shirt (He swaps this for a long sleeve shirt if it’s cold.) underneath a plain black leather zip-up jacket. With this he wears a pair of grey cargo pants and finally a pair of steel toe working boots with a special insole added into them to make them much more comfortable to wear. Between Alexander’s jacket and shirt he wears a matte black tactical shoulder holster where he keeps his handgun and at least three fully loaded magazines at almost all times, along with the proper licenses for concealed and open carry. This holster and his weapons are the reasons for the black and grey wardrobe choices, rather than an attempt to join a crowd of angsty teenagers. Personality: Alexander is a practical person, and is very down to earth. He doesn’t like to waste time and will often skip to the end of something if he feels that it’s unimportant. Alexander is also largely antisocial and prefers to scour the internet for information rather than chat with a party. Equipment: Alexander carries a pair of [url=]Beretta 92 handguns[/url] that are matte black in color. Both of them have powerful laser sight and flashlight hybrids mounted beneath their barrels to assist with aiming due to the awkward nature of using dual pistols. With fifteen round magazines each Alexander has thirty rounds total when using them together. These handguns are chambered in the potent .40 S&W round and those rounds use a custom made titanium/silver alloy due to the issues with warping that pure silver would have. Alexander carries four magazines for the pistols, along with two loaded (Rounds unchambered, for safety.) within the tactical webbing that he has. To go along with that, he has six distributed among the pockets of his cargo pants. Strapped to his back, and thus even harder to see, is a [url=]cut down shotgun[/url]. Specifically, the barrel and stock have both be trimmed down so that it fits beneath his jacket. The shotgun is also matte black to further camouflage it. This shotgun is pump action and loads twelve gauge shotgun shells. These shells carry custom pellets made from the same silver/titanium alloy that his handgun rounds are. The tube holds seven rounds per standard load. Alexander keeps seven loaded into the tube (With the chamber cleared for safety) and fourteen shells within the webbing. Another fourteen are distributed among his pockets. Alexander also has the proper certifications for open and concealed carry for his weapons in one of the small webbing pockets. Aside from that, Alexander carries a standard flip-style phone with plenty of texts and minutes on hand to make important calls when and where it’s needed. This is accompanied by a wallet containing the standard fare of personal identifications and duplicates of his concealed and open carry licenses, as well as the keys to a completely refurbished DeLorean DMC-12. Background: Alexander grew up rather ignorant of the world. He was very antisocial to begin with and simply didn’t mesh well with people, often getting annoyed at people’s extreme ignorance to how interruptive their own actions were. (Let’s stop and take the tenth selfie of us walking down this street!) As he became more and more isolated from the world, Alexander was drawn more and more into the world of the internet. He became very attuned to computers and savvy on how to fix and bypass common problems with them. This proved to be rather useful when he found out about the hunters early on, but thought that they were just another edgy group trying to make a scene. It wasn’t until his parents were devoured by a roaming feral vampire that he really saw the light. Alexander’s father was always a major fan of all things military, and frequently participated in shooting contests since he couldn’t join up due to his leg being crippled in a work accident. It was rather fortunate for Alexander that his father did this since these contests brought in a lot of money and exotic prizes. Alexander took his arsenal from his father's collection and the keys to a refurbished DeLorean DMC-12 and got to work training himself to shoot with his weapons of choice. The dual handguns were the hardest part to get accustomed to, due to the inherently backwards nature of using two handguns since they were designed with the opposite of that in mind. But nobody at the range doubted him when he was able to pull off feats that looked like stunts from Equilibrium or The Matrix when he had finally grown accustomed to the setup. A year has passed, and Alexander is now a fresh recruit within the Hunter’s ranks. Extra: Alexander adores ramen noodles, and his favorite phrase is “May the desert eagle spread her wings for you.” despite the fact that he doesn’t own a desert eagle. If he could get his hands on one, though...