[color=magenta][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/G34eH71.gif[/img] [h1]Emerald Dosen Armsted[/h1][h2]The Iris Cabin, The Stables ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] "Aquina!" Em hissed, looking for the small wolf pup that she could hear the scrabbling of, but not actually see. Her long dark hair fell in front of her face as she peered underneath the bed. The dark gray wolf was no where to be seen. Sucking in her cheeks, she sat back on her bed, sitting criss-cross on the bed. Tapping the side of her cheek with her lips pursed, she looked to the side and saw a piece of bacon from this morning's breakfast on a plate on her vanity table. She grinned and grabbed it. Just the same, she grabbed an old shoelace and a tree branch that she had grabbed this morning on her walk. Tying the shoelace to the top of the branch and then tying the other end to the bacon, she threw the bacon out into the middle of the floor. Adjusting herself to where she was laying on her stomach and was out over the bed, she made sure she kept her eyes on the bacon. She waited for a few minutes. Then a few more. Right as her arms were starting to become numb, a small pointed nose poked out from underneath the bed. A small dark gray and brown wolf pup began crawling forward on her stomach. Her tongue licked the air like a snake, as if she could taste the bacon in the air. The pup pounced on the bacon and Em pushed herself off the bed and pounced on the pup. There was a small yip before there was suddenly a wriggling pup now in Em's arms. Em giggled, holding Aquina close to her chest and rocking her back and forth. Dust puffed off her fur, causing Em to sneeze. "I think you cleaned underneath my bed, you daft dog," Em said with a laugh. She stroked the pup's stomach, who looked up at her with big, puppy dog eyes. Em rolled her eyes and, with the dog still in her arms, walked toward the entrance to the cabin. "I know you don't like the stables at times, but you can run around while I check on some of the pegasi. They can't go for very long without light and rainbows, you know." She winked at the pup, who just looked at her with confusion on her face. Em rolled her eyes and walked out the cabin. It was beautiful outside. It was almost the perfect summer day, minus a few clouds here and there in the sky. She saw Claire Bellerose, a good friend of hers, riding around the camp on her beautiful horse. She smiled and waved to blonde, but she seemed not to see her. Em shrugged and walked forward a bit more, her bare feet brushing over the ground. Aquina struggled in her arms and finally giving in, Em set the rambunctious pup down on the ground. Taking off like a shot, she immediately sprinted toward the lake. "Aquina!" Em yelled and the dog slide to a stop, turning back. She pointed her finger toward the stables. Aquina, ears and tail now lowered, trotted unhappily in the direction of the stables. "We'll go to the lake afterwards if we have time." Em followed behind the disheartened pup, but the wolf wasn't sad for long. A butterfly came out of nowhere and landed on her nose, and then flew off. Aquina found solace in chasing the beautiful creature toward the stables. Em giggled and followed but she walked inside the stables instead of going around it. She headed toward the back of the stables, where the pegasi were in their stables. She smiled as she stood outside the stall of a little foal that had yet to get their wings. She smiled at it and the foal nickered at her. Focusing her energy, her skin illuminated and she reached out and touched the foals bare nose. A shimmering and glittering rainbow flew down the pegasus's back and they whinnied, shaking from the shock. [i]“I’m sorry to interrupt you, and your equine friend.”[/i] A voice came from nearby and she turned, tucking a strand of black hair behind her ear. A very handsome and broad gentleman stood before her, someone that she had never seen before. She smiled politely as he continued. [i]“I’m lost and I seem to be Lang.”[/i] Em raised an eyebrow. "Did you mean 'I'm Lang and I seem to be lost'?" She covered her mouth with her hand as she giggled. Holding out her hand for him to shake, she said, "I'm Emerald, but everyone calls me Em. I can show you around, unless you seem to actually be Lang." She giggled again as she began walking out of the stables, expecting him to follow. "That's a wonderful accent. Where are you from?" [/color]