[hider=Paul Delacroix][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Paul Delacroix [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 25 [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a5/fe/44/a5fe448068ffbffd635f8fb421af8d28.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Paul stands at approximately 5 foot, 10 inches. His height approximate due to having 'good back days' and 'bad back days'. Weighing in at a thin 175 Ibs, Paul doesn't look like much as far as athletic ability is concerned. This is supplemented by the fact that he's hardly ever seen standing or moving about due to his constant state of sometimes manageable and tolerable pain. Regardless, Paul in all actuality hides a moderate amount of strength and agility underneath his slim, sharply dressed appearance. He's able to lift a full grown man heavier than him and carry them some distance, and is even able to run for a few miles before having to stop. Not the fastest or strongest man you'll ever meet, he is still a few steps above the average civilian. He is dressed a little oddly for a Hunter, the attire he commonly wears is entirely monochromatic. Black dress shoes and slacks. Black leather belt with a tasteful silver buckle. Black vest with a white long-sleeved button up shirt underneath finished off with a white cravat in place of a tie. Though he isn't obsessive-compulsive, Paul is a man that cares about his personal appearance and it shows. He can constantly be found straightening himself up. Often smoothing his vest, wiping off his shoes, and dusting off his clothes to maintain some semblance of civility and dignity. A bit nonsensical due to his current...'choice' of employment almost guaranteeing he would constantly be bathed in the blood and entrails of lord-knows-what abominations of the night. But hey, can't stop a man from trying. His jet-black hair, cold gray eyes and deathly pale skin has also more often than not gotten himself confused for one of the Undead. A fond memory from a previous life recalls the unique moniker of “Mr. Gray-scale.” [u][b]Magic:[/b][/u] No current aptitude in the arcane arts, though he would express an interest the field of Blood magicks. He holds absolutely no curiosity for Dark magicks, however. [hider=Weapon(s)] [u][b]Melee:[/b][/u] [center][img]http://www.couteaux-center.com/boutique/images_produits/kr0056d-z.jpg[/img][/center] Walking Cane – Due to a debilitating and degenerative condition involving Paul's spinal disks, he walks with a seldom painful limp. As a direct result of this physical condition, he sometimes requires the assistance of his cane to move about. When twisting the handle, Paul can unsheathe a thin blade from the cane while simultaneously using the other half as a defensive measure or blunt striking weapon. Simple, yet elegant and classic. Not exactly a skilled swordsman, Paul prefers to aim for vital areas and chooses to end conflicts swiftly. [u][b]Range:[/b][/u] [center][img]http://www.collectorsarmoury.com.au/images/Antique%20Pistols/Percussion%20cap%20Forsyth%20Patern%201781.jpg[/img][/center] Percussion-cap Pistol – What's a gentleman to do without a trustworthy firearm at his side for a duel? Holstered on his right hip, he always keeps his pistol with him at all times. Though a decent marksman, Paul is not quick to use it as he expresses a deep-seated hatred for reloading the damned thing. The rest of his kit he keeps along his belt line near the pistol. [u][b]Misc:[/b][/u] [center][img]https://static.artfire.com/uploads/product/2/972/22972/422972/10422972/large/white_rosary_beads_in_howlite_gemstone_and_black_onyx_ed1333dd.jpg[/img][/center] Rosary and Pendant – On Paul's left wrist, he wears a beautiful rosary of white beads with a silver cross. Around his neck, he wears a similar silver cross as a pendant. Not exactly weapons, but rather two items that bring him a mysterious and unknown comfort. [/hider] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] To those that first meet Mister Delacroix they could walk away simply knowing that he is a kind, courteous, and polite gentleman. But to those that come to know him better would find themselves a young man who is more than just quiet and reserved. Instead, they would come to learn him as a eternally kind and cordial friend. He reserves judgment of others and is accepting of all who befriend him, regardless of their background or origin. Usually, he keeps to himself. Rarely speaking or reacting unless given reason to, but it could be discovered that there is a intense internal fire within him. Something to his aura that gives off a sense of drive and focus that breathes life into his eyes when otherwise he looks like Death himself walking the earth. It could be learned that he is searching, seeking for [i]something[/i] in this dream world and refuses to go quietly into the night until he has achieved his goal. Whatever that goal may be. Not a meek person by any means Paul is a strong-willed, bull-headed, and confident young man. Though he may have a limp, he still walks tall with his head held high. Empathetic to the plight of others, he knows just when to express his emotions in just the right way. Never too serious, never too silly. Even covered in the grimy viscera of beasts, he somehow always finds a reason to smile and carry on. [hider=Bio:] [i]A frantic, desperate search. Time running out. A discovery is made. Reason and logic thrown to the winds. An agreement. A contract is completed. Needle pin-prick in his arm as he lay on a hospital bed. He consciousness begins to fade away. Cruel, mocking laughter. Words heard before his slumber. “Good. All signed and sealed.”[/i][/hider] [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Paul has a few addictive habits. He finds enjoyment in smoking tobacco and having a few alcoholic beverages. Though he tries his best not to be rude and get caught, his eyes fleetingly follow after passing fair maidens. To note, only his firearm and cane provide any contrast of color to Paul's look. [/hider]