The creature was very right about its thoughts that no wise man would follow a bear into its lair...but no mere wise man was this Ranger, and no bear had ever survived an encounter. The four pools of shadow that kept pace would not escape the Ranger's sight, and yet he could do little about them for now. Unfortunately, the creature had gone to ground...and though he could possibly follow the beast, Cruallassar had no intention of taking that risk. But his Ethereal sight could and had mapped the cavern, seeing through the ground to make out the faint outlines of the tunnel the beast had entered. His sight would be...inhibited underground, as far as the environment was concerned, due to it's non-magical nature...however not impossible, and his ability to map and memorize the environment beforehand would serve in good stead. He dives into the ground, his ethereal nature allowing him to phase directly through the solid rock, until he materialized at a slightly wider part of the tunnel, facing the direction the monster must of necessity pass through. At that point, he takes two arrows and fires them, one after the other, down the tunnel. They could not turn corners...but what they could and did do, was spread a fine and very strong netting across the narrow passage. By coming down this way, though it was inconvenient to himself as well, the monster had constricted its maneuvering ability. Cutting the net would never work, it would only further enmesh it...and two nets would double the problem. After that, it would all be over but the cleanup...and the shadow-wielder he was certain wasn't far behind.