Ben heard his name over the announcements and smiled wondering what challenge awaited him in the 4th Round he had missed the duel prior to go and find Ben but he was sure both teams gave it their all. Ben looked up at the ceiling and breathed in heavily and slowly, [color=fff200]"Go hard, go strong, or go home. That's what big brother used to say. Well I'm going to go hard but if my opponent doesn't end up being so solid...well I guess that's just how things are going to be. I'll give'em some breathing room but if he or she goes all out at the start then I guess that's just how it is. Come on my liege...let's win us a duel!"[/color] Ben said as he grinned from ear to ear and prepared himself mentally. He already had quite the opener planned for the people already out there. He wanted to give them the time of their lives. He just hoped they didn't think of him as some sort of bumpkin or loony. He hoped they just sat back, chilled out, and waited for the show to start! Ben made sure his jacket was loose and he tuned his voice out like some actors did before the scene started. What fun it would be if Ben went out and immediately started to fail at the thing he was doing by being unable to speak aloud. Angelo grinned finally hearing his name get called up and he jumped up [color=ffff99]finally my turn![/color] Angelo said happily. Angelo then got off the bleachers and went towards the arena. He felt like this was going to be exciting he saw a few of the duels before and if his brother was indication to his strength this would be a great duel. Angelo gave a wave to Ethel before he walked up the arena and soon took his spot at the otherside. Angelo was getting pumped and he could hardly contain himself he stood in a real dueling arena in a real place meant only for dueling. Just being here was a dream come true for him but even better was that he was going to have his first offical duel to set up his placement in class. Angelo was not going to go easy on him even if he wants to be the guys friend. His deck will make sure that they never see what hit them... As the arena wondered where the other contestant had gotten too Ben suddenly arrived in the arena and with a big smile still on his face he walked up onto the stage and put his hand in the air and whistled loudly. [color=fff200]"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THIS FINE DUEL ACADEMY!"[/color] Ben shouted at the top of his lungs as he grabbed at his jacket and pulled it off he flung it into the air and put on a pair of sunglasses from his pants pocket. The jacket landed behind him as he put his other hand in the air, [color=fff200]"TODAY IS THE DAY WE ALL JOURNEY INTO SOMETHING NEW! SOMETHING WONDERFUL AND SOMETHING AMAZING! AND I WANT TO SHOW YOU ALL THAT ANYONE OF YOU COULD BE THE NEXT KING OF GAMES IF YOU'RE WILLING TO WORK HARD FOR IT! MY NAME IS BEN CARSON! A DUEL IS MORE THAN JUST A CONTEST BETWEEN TWO WORTHY ADVERSARIES BUT IT IS ALSO A WAY TO MAKE FRIENDS, FANS, AND BUDDIES OF ALL KINDS! TODAY MY LIEGE AND I WILL DO ALL WE CAN FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT AS WE TAKE THE STAGE AGAINST MY OPPONENT ANGELO! I WANT YOU ALL TO CHEER US ON AND WATCH WITH EXCITEMENT AS WE BRING THE HOUSE DOWN AROUND US! LET'S MAKE THIS A YEAR WORTH REMEMBERING! IT'S TIME TO MAN UP! PUT UP! AND DUEL! BUT BEFORE THAT I'D LIKE TO OFFER MY OPPONENT THE BEST OF LUCK AND A PRE-GAME HANDSHAKE! SO ANGELO YOU UP FOR THIS BIG GUY!?"[/color] Ben shouted with a grin as he pulled one of left hand down and offered it to Angelo from across the arena and he did so without a hint of malice, snark, or otherwise unpleasentness. Angelo grinned as he waited for his opponenet and soon when he showed up he went into a huge speech about duel academy and how if they work hard they could be the next king of games. Honestly Angelo was awestruck at how he was able to put so much enthusiasm and cheer into his speech and that just made Angelos blood pump even more. Now that was what he called showmanship! He listened intently until he asked for a pre-duel handshake and honestly Angelo thought he was a good guy and he could see himself being friends with someone like him. Angelo clapped for him as he finished his speech soon going over and giving him a handshake [color=ffff99]"I gotta say that speech was inspired! i wish you the best of luck and hope afterwards no matter who wins that we can be friends afterward. I wont go easy on you though."[/color] Angelo said with a smile and once he finished shaking his hand he patted his shoulder then went back to his side of the arena and did his his own battle cry [color=ffff99] LETS SEE IF YOU CAN TAKE DOWN MY DRAGONS![/color] Angelo said grining waiting for the duel to start. Ben chuckled as he nodded to Angelo and put up his duel disk as the duel was being prepared Ben was expecting a hard fight. Dragon duelists were hard to fight but what was a knight better at than slaying the flying beasts of legend? Ben eagerly awaited the call for the duel and it was decided by the judges that Angelo would be going first, [color=fff200]"ALRIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CHEER US ON! TIME TO GET OUR GAME ON!"[/color] Ben said as he let Angelo make the first move. [hider=Ben Vs. Angelo: The Prodical Knight Vs. The Dragunity Commander.] [b][u]Turn 1: [/u][/b] Angelo 4000 LP, 5 cards in Hand Ben 4000 LP, 5 cards in Hand Angelo grinned seeing that he had the first turn and he pulled out his inital 5 cards [color=ffff99]"Alright lets see if you can give me a good fight! lets duel!"[/color] Angelo said taking a look at his 5 cards. Angelo saw that he had a pretty good hand to play for his first turn but it wouldnt get him the combos he needed. However he did see a way to get a strong force onto the field. [color=ffff99]Alright first off im going to activate the field spell dragon ravine![/color] Angelo said as he put the card in the field card slot and soon the holograms made the area look like a rocky mountain and their was a ravine between them in the middle of the field. [color=ffff99] and now i summon out mist valley falcon to the field in attack mode![/color] Angelo said as he put his card down and from the ravine a humainoid monster with wings and a shield and a bright sword appeared in front of Angelo field it was a level 4 winged/beast monster with 2000 attack points and 1200 defense points. [color=ffff99] however since this is the first turn i wont be able to attack with him, so with that i end my turn[/color] Angelo said finishing his turn. [b][u]Turn 2: [/u][/b] Angelo 4000 LP, 3 cards in Hand, 1 monster, 1 field spell Ben 4000 LP, 5 card in Hand Ben grinned as he realized this game might actually make him work for it. Not that he was going to make it easy for the dude. He had the perfect opening hand for countering the enemy in front of him. He made the first draw of the duel and realized what he could do with this hand. [color=fff200]"Alright first off since you want me to go all out I'll do so but I'll make it a lighter blow than what i could do. I activate two magic cards. Book of moon and mystical space typhoon! Both doing their effects renders your field destroyed and your monster in face down defense position!"[/color] Ben said as suddenly a swarm of magic flooded the field forcing the winged beast to the ground as a book appeared above it and a typhoon of magic swept the ravine away into the graveyard. As Ben watched the field suddenly turn in his favor he put a monster on the field. An old wizard with a pointed hat appeared on the field, [color=fff200]"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the court wizard of Artorgius, Merlin the Legend!"[/color] Ben stated as he looked at the old wizard and in return the wizard smiled at his young friend. Merlin Level 4 Dark Type Monster 1400 Atk/ 500 Def [color=fff200]"But he won't be here on the field long I'm afraid though his magic will be more useful than anything in my deck! With his effect I sacrifice him to summon a warrior of legend and myth! A hero of the court of the Noble Knights. Please welcome to the field Noble Knight Peredur!"[/color] Ben said as Merlin vanished in a puff of smoke he suddenly conjured and as the mist faded stood a tall and handsome man with shining armor and a firm face. Noble Knight Peredur Level 4 Light Type Monster 1900 Atk/300 Def He looked at Angelo with distaste as Ben looked at his monster he knew he was in for a ride. [color=fff200]"BUT that's not all I equip to him the spell card I just drew. Noble Arms Exacalibur!"[/Color] Ben said as suddenly a mystical weapon of legend appeared before the knight as his eyes beheld the weapon of his famed King Artorgius and he grasped the blade in his hands as an evil grin shown on Peredur's face. [color=fff200]"Now Peredur is no longer able to be targeted by card or spell effects and he gains a level and becomes a dark monster!"[/color] Ben said as he watched his knight prepare himself for the call for battle. [color=fff200] "Now Noble Knight Peredur attack and destroy his monster!"[/color] Peredur heeded the call of his duelist and charged forward at the face down winged beast and with the monster clearly in a weaker position Peredur gutted the monster as it was unable to withstand it's onslaughter from Peredur. Angelo grinned a little seeing him battle Angelo's monster despite how bad it might seem to others this was only the begining of a great combo Angelo would soon make, his opponent has no idea what hes getting himself into. Ben watched as the dust cleared and he breathed in deeply. He was sure this was all going to work out. Even if he could get over a level 5 1900 attack monster he was sure to be able to bring it back to his advantage due to Peredur's effect. [color=fff200]"I end my turn."[/color] [b][u]Turn 3: [/u][/b] Angelo 4000 LP, 3 cards in Hand Ben 4000 LP, 2 cards in hand 1 Monster, 1 Trap/Spell Angelo smiled as he drew his next card [color=ffff99]Alright then i summon to the field an old friend of mine, dragunity darkspear![/color] Angelo said as he summoned from the circle below a small dragon with a face for a spear and black scales. Dragunity darkspear level 3 dragon/tuner 1000 attack and defense. [color=ffff99] but dont worry he wont be staying for long because i use his ability to tribute him and send him to the grave and re-summon mist valley falcon![/color] Angelo said as his dragon turned into a ball of color before reshaping itself to become mist valley falcon Mist valley falcon level 4 winged beast 2000 attack 1200 defense [color=ffff99]However he is mostly for show this turn since he cant attack due to his special ability so for now I end my turn with that[/color] Angelo wasn't able to take down his knight but he knew with darkspear in the grave he could use his combo on the next turn and since his monster is stronger then his knight he should be safe for now. [b][u]Turn 4: [/u][/b] Angelo: 4000 life points/ 2 cards in hand/ 1 monster Ben: 4000 Life Points 1 Monster 1 Trap Spell Ben was glad his monster was still on the field at the very least he could take solace in the fact he could still hold steady. He drew his next card and he frowned. It wasn't any use to him. But he could at least hold the line. Ben put one card down in face down position and left his Noble Knight Peredur in attack mode. [color=fff200]"I have no other cards to play so that will have to suffice I end my turn."[/color] [b][u]Turn 5: [/u][/b] Angelo: 4000 life points/ 3 cards/ 1 monster Ben:4000 Life Points 2 Monster 1 Trap Spell Angelo grinned seeing that he had nothing his turn either [color=ffff99]Then that means its my draw![/color] Angelo said pulling out his next draw with two fingers to see what he got. He saw that it was just another monster card and while he didnt need it right now it would no doubt be useful later. [color=ffff99]Now i summon to the field Draunity legionnaire in attack mode![/color] Angelo said as his new monster appeared from the ground and just as the name describes he was wearing full body armor with a beak shaped head over his face and two green wings from his back. Dragunity legionnaire level 3 winged beast 1200 atack and 800 defence [color=ffff99] but he isnt going to attack until he gains a serious attack boost! Thanks to his special ability Dragunity darkspear comes back to help by being his equip card![/color] Angelo said loving that nobody ever really expects this unless they thought about the name itself. They all worked together to make each other better, and just as he says draunity darkspear came back into the s/t card field as dragunity legionnaire rode him like a steed. Draunity legionnaire +1000 attack points [color=ffff99]Now with his new attack boost Dragunity legionnaire attacks your knight![/color] Angelo said as his legionnaire rode in on darkspear and destroyed the knight with a hard punch. Ben cringed as his peredur was sent to the graveyard but he took solace in the fact that he could get his card back, [color=fff200]"I activate Noble Knight Peredur's effect when he is sent to the graveyard with a noble arms equipped I can take a noble arms card and return it to the hand. So I return my Noble Arms Excaliburn to the hand from the graveyard. It's not much but if I get a good card next turn I can put it to better use."[/color] Ben stated as his life points decreased to 3700. [color=ffff99] Oh but im not done yet, because of my mist valley falcons special ability i need to return a card to my hand to let him attack so i return my Darkspear to my hand forcing legionnaire to loose his ride and power boost in order to attack your facedown![/color] Angelo said with a grin as his darkspear returned to his hand and his mist valley falcon flew in from above and sliced his face down monster. Ben frowned as his second noble knight peredur that had drawn the previous turn was destroyed this one had no arms and even if he did it was pointless since there was nothing in the grave. There was no life points to be lost due to it being in defense. [color=ffff99]So with that i end my turn[/color] Angelo said knowing that now he had the upper hand this duel was really getting exciting for him wondering what he will do next. [b][u]Turn 6: [/u][/b] Angelo: 4000 life points/ 4 cards/ 2 monster Ben: 3700 Life Points 3 cards in hand Ben cringed as he wondered if this bad hand would be the end of him. He drew the next card and he smiled. It was something but he would need a lot more if he was going to win this fight. [color=fff200]"Alright I summon Noble Knight Gawayn in attack mode!"[/color] Ben said as he summoned the large bulky knight in pure gold armor. Noble Knight Gawayn Level 4 Light 1900 Atk, Def 500 [color=fff200]"My brother would be ashamed of me that I haven't pulled out my big plays yet but it's all I can do for now! So I'll have my noble knight attack your monster Dragunity Legionaire! his attack should be enough to wipe out your monster!"[/color] Ben said as Gawayn charged forth and attempted to destroy the base level monster. Angelo covered his eyes as his monster was destroyed in front of him, it was a loss of a good monster and a good 700 lifepoints but it was a sacrifice that wont be forgotten. Like all the monsters in his deck his legionnaire would help even in the grave soon enough. This would not be the end of him. Ben looked at Gawayn in pride, it was not often Gawayn was called to the field himself without aid. But it was all that he could do for now. [color=fff200]"Even though I know I'm going to have bad luck next turn I'm going to end mine now."[/color] [b][u]Turn 7: [/u][/b] Angelo: 3300 life points/ 4 cards/ 1 monster Ben: 3700 Life Points 3 cards in hand 1 Monster Angelo smiled loving how well this duel was going, this wasnt going to end soon since it seemed that their monsters would keep witiling down each others life points. [color=ffff99]Not bad Mr.Knight, my draw![/color] Angelo said drawing a card that wasnt very useful but he thought he may as well use it. However their was one card in his hand he couldnt loose to its effect. [color=fff99] well first i set one card face down and i activate the spellcard reload![/color] soon he sent both his cards to his deck and the deck was shuffled before Angelo drew two new cards to take their place.Then he grinned as he saw two new power cards in his hand. [color=ffff99] From my hand i summon Dragunity Dux![/color] Angelo said as his new monster came from the ground sporting silver wings and a purple beak helmet. Dragunity Dux level 4 winged beast 1500 attack and 1000 defence [color=ffff99] I bet you can guess what his special ability lets him do now, I bring back Dragunity legionnaire in the spell zone as his equip![/color] Angelo said as the legionnaire came back and kneeled behind Dragunity dux Dragunity dux +1200 Now Angelos Dragunity dux has a staggering 2700 attack points to put him into a world of hurt. [color=ffff99]Now guess who hes going after now, Dux take out his knight![/color] Angelo said as Dux flew down and gave the knight a hard kick in his chestplate. [color=fff200]"Gawayn die strong good fellow!"[/color] Ben shouted as Gawayn leapt forward to fight his enemy and swung his sword but it shattered and Gawayn was slain leaving him with 2900 life points. [color=fff200]"Thank you friend I promise you I won't let your fall be in vain!"[/color] [color=ffff99] Now to let my mist valley attack i need to get rid of a card to put back in my hand so come on back my legionnaire![/color] Angelo said as his legionnaire came back to his hand forcing his dux to loose his attack boost. [color=ffff99]Now my mist valley falcon can give your lifepoints a real hit with a direct attack![/color] Angelo said as his mist valley falcon swooped in and slashed him directly with his sword Ben cringed as the monster's blade slashed him across the chest but he held firm and strong and he didn't fall or falter but stood stalwart in the face of defeat as he was lowered to 900 life points. [color=ffff99] Now with your lifepoints down that low i end my turn[/color] Angelo said smiling knowing that the next turn would make or break his duel. [b][u]Turn 8: [/u][/b] Angelo: 3300 life points/ 2 cards/ 2 monster/ 1 ST Ben: 900 Life Points 3 cards in Hand Ben breathed in deeply as he grasped his deck. [color=fff200]"Please...please...I don't want to lose I don't want to let my brother down! Give me your power!"[/Color] Ben pleaded with his cards as he drew the card with his left hand pulling it out at length and then twisting his arm to look back at it. He looked at it. And at that moment Ben knew his luck had changed. [color=fff200]"Let's make a statement together my brothers!"[/color] Ben said as he played his one last real monster into play. Onto the field sprang a golden haired young man with eyes of blue and silver armor different from his colleagues before him. [color=fff200]"Noble Knight Medraut I call upon you!"[/color] Ben shouted as the knight shimmered as he knelt onto the floor and stood up afterward looking at Ben. Noble Knight Medraut Level 4 Light 1700 Atk, Def 1000 [color=fff200]"The game has changed my friend! I played it earlier but this card is coming back into play! I equip Medraut with the sword of his king. Excaliburn!"[/color] Ben shouted as the great blade of legend reappeared as Medraut grasped it his eyes grew darker and his face grew sterner as he looked at his enemies with malice. [color=fff200]"But I'm not done yet! I activate medraut's effect! I throw away the blade and call upon Noble Knight Borz from my deck to my field"[/color] Ben shouted as a noble knight in shining blue and white armor appeared on the field. A golden cup grasped in his hand as Medraut's look returned to normal. [color=fff200]"Normally the card would return to borz but Excaliburn sadly doesn't re-equip! However I activate from my hand Queen of the Noble Knights Gwyen! I equip her to Noble Knight Borz in defense mode!"[/color] Ben shouted as Borz suddenly found himself in the company of his queen. The beautiful woman appeared and the area around her glowed with holy light. Noble Knight Borz Level 4 Light 1700 Atk/900 Def [color=fff200]"I activate Borz Effect since he is equipped with a noble arms, AKA my queen who acts as one, I get to pick three noble arms cards in my deck and show them to you. You pick one at random and I throw away the other two to the graveyard!"[/color] Ben explained to Angelo as Ben looked through his deck and picked out the cards, Gallatin, Caliburn, and Destiny. He then shuffled them around in his hand and went over to Angelo. [color=fff200]"I'll give you a tip it won't matter which one you pick but you have a choice so go ahead and pick one."[/color] Ben stated to Angelo as he awaited the man's choice. Angelo sighed softly as he watched the entire duel take a 180 degree turn in front of him. This was not looking good but he could still win this considering his opponent only has 900 life points. Then he stated that he was allowed to pick a card of 3 of his to keep and the other two would go to the graveyard. If it really didnt matter then Angelo saw no need to worry about it. After all his knights still arent able to take on his own monsters yet. [color=ffff99] i pick the card on the far right[/color] Angelo said pointing to it [color=fff200]"Destiny is with me because that is the noble arms I've been given."[/color] Ben said as he showed Angelo the shield and sword on a red rock and then discarded Gallatin, and Caliburn to the graveyard. Ben then proceeded to walk back to his side of the field and looked at Medraut who stared at him. Ben took off his glasses and when he finally got back to his side he put them into the folds of his shirt. [color=fff200]"Angelo from legends told too many a man and events past from days long gone. There was a story of a king of a group of legendary knights. Arthur was the name of the king and he imprinted his place in fantasy long ago and my cards are based around him. Though I have a different king he is essentially the same. I am telling you this for a reason. Now watch as I equip Destiny to Noble Knight Medraut."[/color] Ben said as the young blonde knight received his silver shield and sword as his face turned dark. Both he and Borz were now level 5 monsters. Borz equipped with his queen gave him a minor boost to his power but medraut was now invulnerable. It didn't matter. [color=fff200]"Now then would you come and play with me...My liege...[b]XYZ SUMMON[/b]!"[/color] Ben said as he slapped his hands together and a bright light flared around his two knights are the two came across the field and put their swords together and knelt on the floor. The noble arms of destiny and the queen both were destroyed. In their place came a shining bright light of beauty and suddenly a large thump. On the ground stood a man in a large cape and black silver armor. A blue aura surrounded him and he glowered with power and authority. His blades glistened with a blue aura. He stood up. [color=fff200]"...Sacred Noble Knight, King Artorgius."[/color] Ben said as the King nodded at him. [color=fff200]"My ace card and my friend. His effect activates. I return caliburn, Gallatin, Excalburn to the field and equip them to my king via his effect. However Noble Arms of Destiny also re-equips due to it's being destroyed triggering it's effect. Now my Noble King Stands tall!"[/color] Xyz Monster Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorgius Rank 5 2200 Atk and Def Gallatin/Caliburn 1500 Attack Boost Gain. 3700 Atk [color=fff200]"Now then my liege I activate your special effect and I also activate Caliburn's effect! First my king's effect: It's effect let's me detach one xyz material, Noble Knight Medraut, to destroy any monster on the field. I chose your Dux! Now blow it away Noble Knight! King's Majesty!"[/color] Artorgius stood tall and reached out his hand a magical power grew in his hand and then suddenly shot forward and destroyed the dragunity before it could react blowing the hologram to shreds. Angelo growled loudly seeing that new knight take the field he had to admit that this guy wasnt pulling any punches summoning that monster. Angelo didnt think he had any XYZ monsters to play. When he used his ability to destroy one of its material monsters to destroy Dux he covered his eyes to avoid the smoke of the destruction. [color=fff200]"Now for my sword's effect! It nets me another 500 life points bringing me to a total of 1400!" Ben said as Caliburn was waved into the air by the king as the light swarmed Ben and healed him gaining him life points. "Now then! ATTACK! Sacred Noble Knight! Blade of Legendary Destruction! Destroy Mist Valley Falcon!"[/color] Ben said as the Knight Leapt forward in a quick burst swung Gallatin and cut down the Falcon before it could escape. Life Point Gain Ben: 900 + 500 = 1,400 Angelo groaned as he saw his mist valley falcon get destroyed by that giant blade and forced Angelo to take a huge hit of 1700 life points covering his eyes once more to avoid the smoke of the destruction. Now it seemed that his fight was going to be much more desperate. Ben looked at his king and with a genuine smile he thanked his King, [color=fff200]"Thank you so much old friend...even if he gets over you I want you to know I did my best your majesty."[/color] Ben said to his monster proudly as Ben looked over to Angelo [color=fff200]"My turn is concluded. I'd recommend giving it all you got next turn. Keep in mind my king will remain at 3700 until the end of my next turn. He can't be targeted by card effects nor can he be destroyed by battle or card effects once per turn. Don't surrender though give it all you got."[/color] Ben shouted over to Angelo as he ended his turn finally the king standing stalwart. [b][u]Turn 9: [/u][/b] Angelo: 1600 life points/ 3 cards/ 1 ST Ben: 1400 Life Points 1 card in hand 1 Monster 4 Spell/Trap Cards Angelo soon started to laugh loudly but it wasnt in insult or meant to mock him it was because this was so much fun! [color=ffff99] yeah! now thats a real fight! this really is turning out to be a battle for the ages. Dont worry thought Angelo never quits![/color] Angelo said as he took a deep breath and with a flourish drew his card. As it turned out now it was Angelos turn to be unlucky as he sighed softly knowing he really had nothing to take on his huge knight anyways but at least with this card it will make the battle close enough so that Angelo could loose with dignity. Angelo had nothing that could help him but he still put on a smile. [color=ffff99] Alright i set one monster face down and i end my turn[/color] All Angelo could do right now was play defence and hope he could last one more turn to pull out a game changer. [b][u]Turn 10: [/u][/b] Angelo: 1600 life points/ 3 cards/ 1 ST/ 1 monster Ben: 1400 Life Points 1 card in hand 1 Monster 4 Spell/Trap Cards Ben sighed he hoped that this would keep going but this was over. But first he needed to draw a card though he knew it was not needed. Ben drew that card and then showed it to Angelo. [color=fff200]"I drew battleguard rage. If I used this a monster I equipped it too could've gained 1000 Attack. Now then I lose 200 attack points but it's nullified because I will equip from the graveyard one more card. The Queen returns from the grave to support her beloved husband one more time for this duel. He gains 300 attack which means he is now at 3800"[/color] Ben stated as Gwen appeared and looked up at her husband with love in her heart. [color=fff200]"Now then i activate Calburn's effect giving me another 500 life points."[/color] Ben stated as his life points went back up to 1900. Ben commanded his King to once again use his ability and Borz went to the graveyard. Artorgius raised his hand solemnly as he blew up the face down monster. Ben 1400 + 500 = 1900 Ben then looked at the audience, [color=fff200]"NOW SAY IT WITH ME EVERYONE! ONE, TWO, THREE! NOBLE KNIGHT KING ARTORGIUS END THIS DUEL! DIRECT ATTACK!"[/color] Ben shouted to wile up the crowd one more time as The King charged forward and swung his blade at Angelo with fierce determination. Angelo groaned loudly as he stood fast to make sure he didn't get blown away from from the impact of the attack as all his lifepoints rocketed to 0 and it was apparent that Angelo had lost. However once the dust settled he still smiled. [b]WINNER: Ben[/b] [/hider] [hider=Aftermath] The crowd went wild as Ben raised a hand into the air with a finger pointed at the ceiling, [color=fff200]"And that ladies and gentlemen is how you DUEL! THAT IS YOUR STRENGTH IF YOU CAN REACH OUT AND GRASP IT FIRMLY!"[/color] Ben said with a grin as he went over to Angelo and reached out his hand towards him grabbing the boy's arm and raising it into the air and he pointed directly at him with his other one. [color=fff200]"NOW GIVE IT UP FOR THIS GUY! HE DIDN'T LOSE! HE ISN'T A PUNK! GIVE HIM A ROUND OF APPLAUSE EVERYONE FOR ANGELO! THE DRAGUNITY MASTER!"[/color] Ben shouted as the crowd which had already been going wild cheered harder and cheered for Angelo more as Ben grinned at Angelo and nodded at him as he put on his sun glasses again. Angelo sighed as he lost and put all his cards together and put them back into his deck pouch for another day as his opponent made his ending speech it surprised Angelo a bit that he went over and raised Angelos hand high to join in the cheers. He really was a good guy after all and he wasnt being a jerk about winning the duel. He did like the name of dragunity master to once Angelo got his hand free he shook his hand [color=ffff90]Nice duel Ben but dont think ill take this loss lying down. Ill want a rematch next time. so until then how about you and me become friends Mr. knight[/color] Angelo said with a grin [color=fff200]"Mr. Knight? Nah just call me Ben dude. I'm not a knight I merely fight with them. I got a long way to go before I'm worthy of being called King. As for us being friends? We weren't already? Aww man you're hurting my feelings but you know sure I think I can live with the idea of being your friend."[/color] Ben said as he laughed and gave a light punch to the shoulder as he turned around and walked away. [color=fff200]"As for that can count on it big guy! See ya around!"[/color] Ben said as he left the arena but not before grabbing his coat and giving one last cheer to the crowd which was nothing more than a loud and boisterous cheer like a pro-wrestler would give to his fans. As he walked down the hall to go to the bathroom he ran into Andre who was frowning at him. [color=ed1c24]"Way to make me look bad. You were supposed to be better than me. You didn't win for an entire round before I did."[/color] Andre grunted as Ben laughed. [color=fff200]"Well maybe you need to enjoy the duel more big guy now let's get ready for the next part."[/color] Ben said to his brother. Angelo grinned at him as he gave Angelo that old custom of punching a guy in the shoulder. Soon Angelo started to walk his own way off the arena when he said that he would count on that rematch [color=ffff90]Ill hold you to that![/color] Angelo shouted back smiling as he left to go back to the bleachers and lay down on his back to take a nap. After all that duel took alot out of him, but he was a kid from the country and Angelo knew he had a lot to learn about dueling still before he could call himself a turbo duelist. [/hider]