[hider=Joséphine Fournier, 17] 1)[img]http://a.abcnews.com/images/Entertainment/GTY_ellen_page_ml_140430_16x9_992.jpg[/img] 2) Montreal, Canada 3) Knowing your resources. As a leader, you need to be able to efficiently put each person in the best place for them, and allocate resources. You need to be able to find important information and materiel quickly and efficiently. Without knowledge of what is available to you, you will not be able to use it as efficiently as you can. And that, to me, is the essence of leadership. 4) I was practising mounted orienteering with some of my friends, and one of our number, Jack Collin, got lost. It was a while before I realised, and, as the leader of the group, I decided that we would never find him, and figured that we'd get authorities to help once we got out. He lost a hand that day, and we were never the same again. If I had kept all my party in mind, none of that would have happened. 5) I would see how my predecessor tried and failed, and immediately fix that as far down into the problem as possible. Next, I'd extend attempts at diplomatic solutions, but at the same time, I would be mobilising as much of the population as I can so that there is swift response if (when) diplomacy goes south. 6) It depends on the size of the military. In larger militaries, protocol is easily more important - there needs to be strict chains of command, for orders and actions to be carried out as efficiently as possible. Protocol is necessary for that, when there are many people. With a smaller sized military, the morale of the people is necessary, as it relies on their support more and more. 7) I strive to imitate Otto von Bismarck. He managed to unite Germany through strategic warfare, not expending anything he didn't need to. Once he had a united Germany, he used mostly-peaceful means to maintain his Fatherland's Power 8) Wilderness survival, getting a good night's rest, the art of persuasion, martial prowess, espionage training, agricultural skill. 9) Illness can be contained. War cannot. The war is easily more dangerous. 10) I would say I am loyal, disciplined, and independent. My reserved manner belies how friendly I can be with those I get to know. I am Catholic, but not devoutly so. I wouldn't say that I am that far from the norm, although that just be my perspective messing with me. [/hider]