Shinrei managed to finally escape the girls who pestered him about getting his autograph. If there was one thing he wanted to erase from everyone's mind is the fact that he is a well-known World Circuit Duelist who made the semifinals but never finished. Thinking about the duel before he made semifinals bothered him because it was the very reason he withdrew from the World Circuit Tournament which angered his father. Personally, he didn't really care what kind of grudges his father held against him as he stepped out of his limousine which pulled up to the Duel Tower. His father's influence meant absolutely nothing toward what he wanted to accomplish and finally he was out of the strangle hold that his father had over him. It was due to his sister that he was even attending this place in the first place. He didn't know what kind of dangers lurked there though he had a feeling something was going to transpire within time. When he was bathed by the light as he stepped out of his limousine with his sister right beside him he noticed the girls went absolutely nuts. He frowned at them but showed a charismatic gesture as he waved toward them despite the cold embrace within his eyes. Such a cold expression immediately enveloped his face since all he wanted to do was be left alone and be able to go to his dorm without his fan club following him around. It didn't help his case when the guys were passing catcalls at his sister which made him gaze at them with a very frozen look which was wicked to the touch. [b]"This is why I hate crowds..."[/b] He softly said in a very cold demeanor as he tried to get himself and his sister through the crowd that was in front of him. [b]"Wow, you're really famous, Shinrei. I guess that's to expect of someone of your caliber."[/b] His sister expressed toward him as she followed up the steps toward the Duel Tower entrance. She noticed he had stopped in place examining his surroundings as he peered off into the openness toward the front of the Duel Tower facing away from the building. His sister joined him in his sight seeing as smiled and looked on with him wondering what he was looking or thinking about. [b]"Do you want to go watch the duels?"[/b] She questioned as she turned her attention toward him making herself face him face to face. Shinrei shook his head with a icy cold gaze and frown as he answered, [b]"No, I do not want to waste my time with pointless endeavors. I did not come here to make friends with people. My main priority is to find out why they are so interested in the both of us. That is all."[/b] He finished as he turned away from his sight seeing adventure and started his way up the steps. His sister called out to him to wait for her as he was getting closer toward the entrance at the top of the stairs. [b]"Not only that, but you are here to protect me as well."[/b] Tsukiko reminded Shinrei as she followed him up the steps finally managing to catch with him. It didn't take her long to reach where he was as he wasn't traveling at a very fast pace and seemed to be mulling over some thoughts as he approached the pinnacle of the stairs. Tsukiko turned her eyes toward Shinrei as they were almost at the summit. [i]I wonder what he is thinking? He looks so deep in thought when his eyes are so embraced with that ferocious sincerity in them. Oh brother, why do you have to be so stubborn about everything when it comes to yourself? It wouldn't hurt to open up to people, y'know.[/i] She thought to herself as they had finally managed to reach the top flight of the stairs. In front of them were the doors, but her brother walked over toward the side and leaned back against the railing looking like he was still thinking about something. She knew some things just never changed about him and accepted that he always wanted to remain such a mysterious figure toward everyone who laid eyes upon him. [b]"Come on, let's go watch the duels!"[/b] Tsukiko said joyfully as she grabbed her brother's hand which didn't seem to be too pleased with being dragged away from his thinking. He would allow it since it was his sister, but he didn't really care how the duels were progressing as they had nothing to do with him or his sister. Though he thought to himself that perhaps he might want to watch to make sure his sister didn't carelessly try to throw herself in front of one of them and get hurt like she did last time. He wouldn't ever be able to forgive himself if that tragedy happened again. [b]"Isn't it exciting?"[/b] Tsukiko questioned trying to liven her brother's spirits as she dragged the silver haired figure into the dueling arena and had him take a seat with her, but it looked like all the duels had met their final climax. She showed a disappointed look on her face since she didn't get to stick around and learn anything from the duels that had taken place. Since she had already been accepted she did not need to take part in the Placement Duels like the other students though she didn't quite know why unless the academy did it to draw her brother's interest which is the only logical explanation she could come up with at the time. [b]"There is nothing to see here since they are over. Besides, I wouldn't be able to learn anything new from what I already know anyway. Such a gallant waste of my time. I am leaving now. I will go acquire my deck and see you off toward your quarters."[/b] He said coldy as he got up and made his way toward the exit as he had enough of his time being wasted on such trivialities at that. He signaled toward Tsukiko to follow where she sighed getting up from her seat and joining him as they made their way toward the exit. He was hoping he could get toward the exit without anyone recognizing or trying to get in the way of where he was about to go. The last thing he wanted was another nuisance like he encountered outside his house on the day he left and when he arrived at the Duel Tower. He wasn't the kind who took pride in having fan clubs idolize him since all he wanted to do was be left alone.