/Who, me? I'm just a poor little boy without a family. I couldn't possibly have inflicted all that suffering.// [hider=Appearance][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/9ae4/f/2012/073/d/0/d057599a4578ac3a2122cc2012d93ec1-d4ds2rn.png[/img][/hider] Name: Dolor "Sweet Poison" Project Number: Sex: Male Age: 10 Species: Inland Taipan 15% Chameleon 5% Jumping Spider 10% Box jellyfish 5% Appearance Details Hair color: Black Skin tone: white, pale Scars: N/A Tattoos/Piercings:N/A Height/Weight: 4'5, 75 lbs Significant Markings: Leathery skin on back, back of legs and back of arms, also has two extra sets of eyes on the side of his head, giving him 6 eyes in all, the side ones are invisible when closed. Abilities/Mutations Camoflauge- Is able to blend in perfectly with any surroundings, so long as he remains motionless Sinewous-He is able to contort his body to wriggle through small spaces and out of restraints, to a certain extent. Enhanced Vision: His eyesight is 20/20, and he has superior peripheral vision, able to see i every direction except right behind him at all times, he also has perfect night vision. Cling: He is able to cling to and climb any solid porous surface, even upside down. Venom: His inland taipan genes give him a very potent poison in his bite, able to kill in half an hour, and debilitate in 10. It is also incurable as of yet. Sting: He also possesses a venomous touch, but unlike his snake venom, this venom causes excrutiating pain, but is nonlethal. The touch venom can be administered from anywhere on his arms or legs. Jump: He is able to jump about 20 feet high, or 30 feet across. Personality: Dolor is highly intelligent, but emotionally unstable. Most of the time, he behaves innocently, acting like a sweet 10 year old boy. However, in reality he harbors a deep hatred for normal humans and enjoys inflicting pain on them and even killing. He sees nothing wrong with taking life, if the person in question deserves it. He is easily frightened by displays of anger, but will react violently if threatened. He is in awe of the world around him, but often is apathetic and cold towards living things who he doesn't know. His unique blend of innocence and malice, as well as his abilties, have earned him the nickname "Sweet Poison" among the other experiments. Weaknesses He has imprinted on Kat, and follows her around everywhere, even when she doesn't want him to. She is the only one who he trusts implicitly, and he is completely loyal to her. His love of pain and death often causes him to draw attention to himself, though he can avoid that if he wishes, but refraining for too long makes him irritable and eventually he will kill to satisfy his need. He has a pathological need to cause pain. He is very susceptible to cold, it debilitates him rather quickly. Biography: Dolor sticks right by Kat's side, and had followed her wherever she goes in the outside world. He finds it fascinating, and desires nothing more than to stay with Kat and help her with whatever she might need. He does foray out by himself now and again though, in search of someone to torture. This is a habit that has caught the attention of the local police, as his victims tend not to remember what happened, because of the level of pain they experienced, and some even go mad. He doesn't feel any remorse for his crimes, seeing the people he hurts as toys. Optional Information Likes: Kat, Inflicting pain, experiencing new things, killing, playing, pulling tricks on others Dislikes: Humans, doctors, needles, cold, loneliness Crush(es): N/A Relationships: Kat, friend/guardian