[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zcMtADa.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]His Majesty's Governorate of Normandy[/h2] [h3]Province of the Kingdom of Great Britain[/h3][/center] [hr] [center][b]What Areas Do You Control (Territories):[/b] Normandy [b]Political Party (What Party leads the Nation):[/b] British Military Governorate, headed by Viceroy Edgar Keele. The Normany Provisional Government, headed by President Basile Maurice. [b]Type of Government (Self Explanatory):[/b] The British Military Governorate is a military government with full control over Normandy's security forces and foreign policy, often acting in accordance with the British Crown. A Viceroy heads the Governorate, and is able to exercise much freedom outside of the protocols, procedures and aims set forth by his superiors in London. However, ultimately he can be recalled and changed by the British government, and so the Viceroy usually follows their orders to the letter. The Normandy Provisional Government is a civilian institution, based on Great Britain's parliament system, which deals with the country's domestic affairs. However, the British Viceroy withholds the right to veto any laws that he see's a problem with. [b]Date Out of Bunker:[/b] 2260 [b]Productions (What your nation Produces):[/b] Normandy is an international center of genetically engineered crops, and has successfully created a wide range of breeds that are better able to cope with the post-war atmosphere and battered terrain than traditional or lesser developed alternatives. [b]History of the Nation (Self Explanatory):[/b] With the world on the brink of mutually assured destruction, the unity of France was fractured by a wide skew of politicians who sought to protect themselves from the inevitable. Civil unrest broke out across the nation, leading to large uprising against government forces, which ultimately led to the Fall of France before the bombs had even struck Paris. In the chaos, the French President relinquished his power to the military. The commanders of France's armed forces realized that there could be no victory in a nuclear war, and instead focused their efforts on evacuating the population to all of the designated "Post-War Survival Centres" that were dotted along the country's extremities. One such centre was located in Normandy, fifty miles south of Cherbourg. Approximately 45,000 civilians were successfully evacuated to the massive underground complex, but France was finally struck by a nuclear barrage, and the surface world became an inferno. For 200 years, the survivors lived in relative safety. They turned their efforts towards engineering food sources that could withstand the scarred world that would great them, and shunned the idea of developing weapons as a waste of resources. Hadn't the world seen enough carnage? When the survivors left the bunker, after external scanners revealed the atmosphere to be habitable, they were proved bitterly wrong. France was overrun by a multitude of peoples, who had gotten to the surface earlier than them from the other bunkers across the country. Hostilities ensued, despite efforts at diplomacy; the Normandy faction had secured their demise however, after letting slip information about their advanced food crops. These crops became the treasure chest that the whole of France wanted, and war erupted. Out numbered and lacking heavily in military hardware, the Normans (as they had taken to calling themselves), reached out to an established survivor colony in England, that they had detected via their bunker's long ranged transmitter. The British Government agreed to help, and rapidly deployed forces from across the channel. More organized, better funded and with superior training, the British forces were able to drive all hostile groups from Normandy and secure the survival of the Normans. In return, the Normans surrendered their genetic crop research over to the British, and agreed to one-sided trade deals that saw the bulk of the Norman food surplus being turned over to the British Crown on an indefinite annual basis. With British assistance, the Normans were able to rapidly industrialse their infrastructure, and spread out across the whole of Normandy. From time to time, the various French factions attempted to crush the infant nation, but the British were always close at hand to lend support - unwilling to lose their newly found breadbasket. In the year 2279, April 15th, the British and Norman governments signed the "Norman Powerhouse Treaty", that saw the dismantling of Norman civil institutions in favor of a British-based framework. A viceroy was ellected to safeguard Normandy, and a provisional Norman government established to run domestic affairs. Initially, nationalist uprisings and coups took place, but these were pitifully small and ill planned, resulting in their almost immediate defeats. By 2280, the British military have reshaped their Norman counterpart in their imagine, providing the bulk of weapons and training to the country's native forces. Normandy has now become a fully functional defacto British fortress on the French coast. However, not all is well, as the continuation of the harsh trade terms negotiated twenty years ago are preventing the Norman economy from realizing its true potential, and the lower classes are suffering the brunt of this. The streets of Normandy's major cities are patrolled daily by both Norman and British soldiers, with the Viceroy planning on nipping any signs of disorder in the bud. Nationalism is steadily growing, with many Normans feeling that the terms of the Norman Powerhouse Treaty are bitterly unfair, and aim only to serve the British, as opposed to the Normans themselves. However, on the other side of this, are the Loyalists, who see continued British influence as only a good thing, as it further increases security and betters the Normandy infrastructure. Regardless of the internal strife, the Viceroy of Normandy sees himself in a position to extend the Crown's borders, and looks at a divided France as the perfect ground onto which he will test his "colonial" army. [b]Main Race (What is your State Race + Racial Demographics): [/b] 80% Caucasian 10% African 5% Middle Eastern 5% Various [b]Main Religion (What is your State Religion + Religious Demographics):[/b] 40% Agnostic/Athiest 40% Roman Catholic 10% Islam 10% Anglicanism[/center]