[hr] [color=lightblue]Abruptly, the systems alarm stops flashing red and then the corridor lights cut out. [i]Great...[/i] you think.[i]Ships losing power fast..if life support cuts out then I could die in a matter of hours...[/i] Emergency lighting comes up bathing the narrow corridor to the cargo bay in pale yellow light. All you hear are your footsteps echoing down the long hall. Somewhere deep in the belly of the ship metal groans, a grinding sound. [i]..could be the ship settling..or something echoing off the hull..[/i] You push on down the corridor holding your pistol in front of you ready to fire. You turn a corner and reach the bay doors. There is a small computer terminal built into the wall beside the double doors. The small oval screen glows green. The Operating System appears to be malfunctioning but there is a command prompt. You might be able to access some basic ships systems from here or you could enter the cargo hold. [/color] [hider=Computer] [color=green] >>>>>>>CHECKING . . . .[/color][color=green]EMERGENCY SYSTEMS HAVE ACTIVATED 11:08;6/18/2132 .This computer terminal is operational .Would you like to see a list of .available commands? .Y/N? [/color][/hider] [hr] [color=red]Inventory [list] [*]Small Med-kit [*]Blaster Pistol [*]Body-Armor [*]Utility Belt [*]Nutrient Pack 11G*8 [*]Multi-tool [*]Data-stick [*]flash light [/list][/color]