[Center][Img]http://i68.tinypic.com/2n65jbt.jpg[/img] [H1]Katarina Sorensen[/h1] [i]Age[/i]: 220 give or take, appears to be in her early twenties [I]Species[/I]: Feral [I]Equipment[/I]: Purse containing basic female necessities I.e. lipstick, cash, etc. Concealed carry license Walther ppk with silver bullets Back holster containing three silver throwing knives, easily hid under loose shirts or blouses [I]Personality[/I]: Seems to have the uncanny ability to sooth those she interacts with even though she holds no actual power to do so. She alludes mystery and many secrets are held within those lucid eyes of hers, it's plain to see. If judging a book by its cover there seems to be no darkness or ill will that she would or could cause. Although, a primal air about her is subtly detectable and sometimes agitation or a mild case of paranoia takes hold. One thing is certain, beneath a soft smile lies something unintentionally vicious and predetory. [I]Biography[/I]: Born in a quaint cottage on a seaside town of Marstrand Sweden Katarina longed for a little adventure. A sheltered life was fine but there was a longing in her heart to see the world. Studying abroad would be a means to do so or at least get her started. With a little hard earned money saved up, and a much appreciated scholarship to an all women's University of Arts in the 1700s. The natural platinum blond traveled quite a ways to embark on a new destination. Far away from home she would litteraly gain a new life; something she never would have expected or dreamed of. Once arrived brushing up on English posed little problem thanks to the friendly women around her, and she wanted to contribute to the community by earning a wage. However, with no prior records from a previous employer they all turned her away. Katarina excelled in baking but could not afford an apprenticeship which offered nothing in return but experience. Nearly consumed in hopelessness a beautiful woman came to aid. Overhearing the foreigners woe she offered her an interview at a manor where she was currently employed. Awe stricken by the massive building before her, Katarina's nerves sent paralysis to all limbs for a brief moment. It was shocking news to Katarina when a butler sternly implied that the master was 'absolutely not hiring'. The woman known as Gretchen who brought the shy Swedish student here brushed off the ire laden helper, and strolled straight to the owners office. A deep voice beckoned them in after a few knocks. There, in that grandoise room, innocent eyes fell to one of the most exquisite man she had ever had the pleasure of staring at. She was hired on the spot after Gretchen pleaded Katarina's case, in fact, Gretchen had only said four words before the gentlemen agreed. Maid duties were assigned to the thankful university student but soon she was swept up in the glamor of this new world. Attending classes became a thing of the past, and stays at the school grew scarce along with her job assignments. Alric the owner had taken a liking to the pale eyed girl treating her much differently than his other employees. Showering her with gifts, her own adorned bedroom, and lavish clothing became the norm. Parties were an every night venture as well and gradually he introduced a darker side of "human" existence. Unexpectedly she was sired by this wealthy pureblooded aristocrat who indulged in a plathora of taboos including the ingestion of vampire blood, and Katarina soon lost herself along the way. By the time he turned Katarina she was already versed in the ways of vampire lifeā€¦or so she thought. As a newly born vampire she was invited to participate in Alric's prohibition parties where lowly vampires, willing, and unwilling were feasted on in marbled ballrooms for sport or entertainment. Alric just forgot to mention that these actions were forbidden. As she was not allowed to leave perhaps he thought that information was unimportant. It was not until her banishment from the manor that she learned how grave her actions had been. [I]Notes[/I]: Katarina was naughty and got banished for drinking Alric's blood without permission. He never let anyone do such a disgusting thing to him. After being thrown to the wolves she learned from a few acquaintances of Alric's about The Society. Later in life, as a means to better protect herself, she spent hours at the gun range since her physical strength was not an issue. Before this information she hadn't even touched human blood and had to wean herself from vampire blood--with a relapse here and there. She'll never forget the taste of purebred blood though. It's her favorite. As far as The Society goes, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.[/Center]