[color=red]Full Name:[/color] Hayden Williams [color=red]Age:[/color] 24 [color=red]Species:[/color] Human [color=red]Gender:[/color] Female [color=red]Sexuality:[/color] Heterosexual [color=red]Appearance:[/color] Hayden has dark brown hair with natural auburn highlights sewn through which falls to her mid-back in tousled beach waves. Dark, army green eyes framed by long black lashes and crowned with naturally dark eyebrows. Pale skin, often bruised and beaten by monsters, with freckles dusted across her nose and cheekbones, usually too faint to see unless you get up close and personal. She stands at about 5'4, slim with toned hunters muscles and a figure which curves in the right places yet she still looks small and packs a bigger punch than she looks like she could. Hayden's most memorable feature is the various tattoos which litter her body, including anti-possession and enochian symbols. [color=red]Personality:[/color] Hayden is not the type of person to be placed anywhere in the vicinity of the words nice or approachable, in fact she is the poster child for 'does not work well with others.' She's sarcastic, witty and the owner of an IQ higher than 170, making her a certifiable genius, not that she would ever admit it. She could be considered brave and heroic but in reality her bravery is simply recklessness and heroism is merely the job description of a hunter. However, a person doesn't get to be the way Hayden is without some serious emotional damage, she used to be a fairly decent human being, and could be again if she stopped kicking away anyone who tried to get close to her. Despite all this, Hayden isn't a bad person, just a royally screwed up one. [color=red]Backstory:[/color] Like all hunters, Hayden's past is sad and swimming in blood but before all that she actually had a pretty decent life. Hayden was raised, along with her older brother Roman, by two hunter parents, Harry and Mia Williams. The family had a home in South Dakota only a few hours away from where Bobby Singer lived, where Harry and Mia would drop Roman and Hayden when they had to go away on hunts. Whilst spending her weekends at Bobby's, Hayden became pretty close with the Winchester Brothers but most especially Roze, one of Bobby's adopted wayward kids, the two thinking themselves as sisters. Hayden was essentially a child-genius and despite all the moving around, managed to get herself a place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study Astrophysics when she was only 17. Encouraged by her father to leave the family business, Hayden attended university ... or at least tried too. She hadn't been gone two months when Bobby called with the news that Hayden's parents and brother had been captured, tortured and eventually killed by a hoard of demons on a murderous holiday. After that Hayden essentially disappeared. For a year, she studied, researched and experimented until she was an expert on demons then resurfaced at the age of eighteen ready to take her revenge. Maybe it was a gift from God or just dumb look but her extensive research allowed her to find a blade that could kill demons, and that she did. It had passed her twenty second birthday by the time she'd managed to hunt down and kill every one of the demons that had anything to do with her family's death, and any other demon or monster she caught along the way. She earned herself a reputation among hunters as a demon expert, but still enjoyed a good old fashioned monster hunt when it came to the classic ghost or ghoul. After her revenge tour was done with, Hayden reunited with her old friends, completely unaware that Roze had made a demon deal in Hayden's absence but knowledgeable of the fact Dean had made one a few years later to save his brother. When there time was up, Dean died and a couple weeks later Roze did too, but by leaving a cryptic message on Bobby's answering machine it was months before Hayden even knew she was dead. Sam and Hayden, both grieving, went their separate ways only to be reunited on a demon hunt about three months later. The demon revealed that along with Dean, Roze had made a deal and was now in hell. Knowing Bobby was already in his own personal hell after Dean's death, Hayden took a long time before working up the courage to tell him. Deciding that the old man had a right to know. However, when calling to break the news, Bobby answered the phone with the news that Dean Winchester walked the earth again. Without hesitation, Hayden travelled as fast as she could to Roze's burial site and found her old friend covered in mud and earthworms, sitting beside the headstone carved with her name. The two have been traveling together ever since, trying to figure out who made the handprint on Roze's shoulder by pulling her from the pit, working cases and hunting down one demon in particular. [color=red]Extra:[/color] Hayden rides a Triumph Bonneville t120 motorbike and still lives and works out of her old family home in South Dakota when she'd not on the road ... which is not very often. She smokes like a chimney, drinks like fish and will literally sleep with any male that moves. But you can't get mad at a girl for the ways she tries to kill her sadness. Hayden favours her demon killing knife and a Smith and Wesson Beretta 9mm that used to belong to her father.