[i]"I'm an Angel..."[/i] Now, out of all the shit she expected from this stranger in the back seat; it was not this. Threats? Yeah, she could deal with that. An attempted ass-whupping? Shit, all in a day's work. But... An angel? From [i]Heaven[/i]? As the woman gave her a very reassuring smile and lowered her arms, a bubble of laughter burst from Roze's lips. And then she couldn't stop laughing... although that gun never wavered from it's spot. [color=goldenrod]"An Angel? Gotta say, that's... hah... that's a new one."[/color] Roze said through her laughs, looking over the woman once again. That dress hardly seemed conspicuous - not the usual attire for a monster wanting to blend in, as most of them do. There also wasn't a lot of room for weapons and the like in it. But still... was she really supposed to fall for that excuse? [color=goldenrod]"Now, don't blame me for not believing you. How could I? After all the shit that's happened in this world, it would be insulting to find out there is a Heaven. Now, unless you want me to empty my clip into your face, I'd recommend you step out of my car, and prove to me that you're not some asshole looking to make a necklace outta my intestines, okay?"[/color] She added in a slightly calmer tone, wondering silently what the better outcome would be; some monster making the biggest mistake of it's life; or a real, actual Angel. [color=goldenrod][i]"Shiii-it. At least I know which one would be less mind-shattering."[/i][/color] She thought to herself grimly, tightening her grip on the the gun. Variel blinked at the mortal woman, such hostility. Still, she could not exactly blame her... "Okay." She forced a nervous smile. Of course the gun wouldn't necessarily kill her, but it would still be painful. And she did not wish to experience much pain at the hands of Roze. With a flash of light Variel was gone from the back seat of the car and now stood outside of it. Roze asked her to depart the car but did not state how she should get out of it. Variel stood in the car park just staring at Roze's car. She blinked once. But her voice now filtered in through Roze's head. [i]"I know it may be hard to believe – but there IS a Heaven. And we are on your side. I was sent by an angel called Azrael. You are Rozalia Singer. You died, and went to Hell with Dean Winchester. You were resurrected along with him. And now you bare a handprint on your shoulder.”[/i] Variel simply waiting in the car lot, not doing anything but blink softly and showed no ill-will or hostility toward the mortal. She used the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to convince her of her plight. The only thing she displayed was a look of sadness and loneliness. Variel had much to be melancholy about these days. And it seemed that being here on Earth was going to be a tough experience. But she would gladly sacrifice her life for any one of these humans, against the dark forces. Once the supposed Angel had zapped out of her car, Roze's nerves became slightly less frazzled. However, any notion of amusement disappeared as the voice of Variel popped into her head. For a brief second, she felt fear - a real fear, that she hadn't felt since Hell. She'd met everything from ghouls to Gods... so why were Angels freaking her out? It made sense that a Heaven existed, if there was a Hell. Oddly enough, during her little vacation down there, she hadn't stopped one of her demonic torturers about their faith in Lucifer or whatever. Stumbling out of the front of her car, Roze stared down the woman in front of her - gun finally lowering, yet still in her hand. It would have been pretty damn easy to simply pretend to be an angel - she recalled the Winchester brothers telling her of a Ghost pretending to be an Angel,m and even Sam had been convinced - but that didn't explain how this chick knew about... well, everything. It was no secret that Dean Winchester and herself had been dragged to Hell four months ago; but they'd only been out for about a week or two. If anything, news of their escape would be naught but rumours - she knew for damn sure the Demons wouldn't want anyone knowing about this, quite frankly, embarrassing fiasco that had been pulled off. Pulled off, apparently, by these angels. Pulling her phone from her jacket, Roze speed-dialled the number one contact on her list - her Uncle Bobby. He'd been happy to see her alive, considering he'd only just found out she'd died in the same manner as Dean only two weeks before her resurrection. Happy, but pissed off. As was the majority of Bobby's personality when it came to his weird-ass nieces. [i][color=goldenrod]"Bobby - hey. Quick question; you found out what brought Dean back yet?"[/color][/i] Roze asked, silently thanking he'd picked up on the first ring, and hardly wasting time on her question. In any other family, it would have come across as rude. But Hunters did not like to wait around on niceties. As Bobby replied, Roze was still staring at Variel somewhat suspiciously. However, her eyes widened in shock at Bobby's answer. [i][color=goldenrod]"A... what now? Castiel? Right..."[/color][/i] Roze trailed off as Bobby continued speaking. [color=goldenrod][i]"Nope, no Castiel's here. I got a Variel instead. Yeah - listen, I'll call you back. Stay outta trouble, old man."[/i][/color] Roze said her swift goodbyes - again, they were brief - and looked at Variel. Well, from Bobby's answer, Variel seemed to be telling the truth about the whole angelic thing going on. [color=goldenrod]"So, apparently some guy named Castiel yanked Dean outta Hell. Who pulled me out? And why?"[/color] She asked, her gaze now one of confusion. She was just a regular ol' Hunter. Well... not entirely regular, with the whole magic thing she had going on, but shit, was she really important enough to warrant being pulled from Hell?