Adrian had stood down when the robed figure had begun its speech. After all, it was quite rude to have weapons drawn while lsitening to the speech of your host. From the tone of the speech, it could be inferred that the trip would be grave and dangerous... even for those of Adrian's pedigree. "Follow the river, don't die... Easy enough. Though I do suppose the journey itself won't be as simple as it sounds." Then, the boatman presented everyone with their first task. "Wait, I don't know how to..." The ancient being had already made its leave. "Sail a a boat." It seemed he would be finding out how boats worked today. He looked to the side, and to the coins glistening on the river bed. Throw the coins into the river... The bloody thing was frozen. Adrian decided to do something about that. He reached ovzer his shoulder and retrieved the decorated lance hanging diagonally on his back. With a grunt, he planted the weapon in the ice. WIth a thunderclap, a good-sized hole was created, large enough to put the money through. "Alright people, time to pay up... I'm not going to be this rough with the boat by the way, wouldn't want a hole in it before we've even begun our journey, now would I?" He retrieved the golden coin from his purse. For a moment, he flipped it around and around in his hands, questions flying through his head. Would there be no going back once he threw the coin to the river? Would people remember his legacy if he failed this gauntlet? Would his family remain propserous? Finally, he cast the coin to the waters. The pure gold quickly sank to the bottom of the river. Whatever the answers to these questions were, they weren't important anymore. He was committed now... Victory or death it would be. "So... anyone have any ideas on how to cut that boat free without destroying it in the process?"