Haas was a little... Overwhelmed by Hayate. She appeared out of pretty much nowhere, then started to rattle his head with all sorts of past plans and the introduction of her... Brother. Oh yeah, him... Didn't he duel earlier? Haas couldn't quite remember how that duel went, but it wouldn't be bad to assume the best... The boy amongst the two asked for Haas' name, him throwing both hands behind his head and proceeding to use them as a cushion against the wall. [color=aba000][b]"Wasn't it on the screen earlier? I'm Haas, Haas Mesman."[/b][/color] The kid seemed to be in a considerably worse mood than before, but unlike what anyone might assume, it was just the energy reserves running out. Haas threw his left hand in front of his mouth to catch a yawn, focusing his attention back to the two arenas. Seems like the brother of his opponent from earlier just finished a duel, and the crowd was going wild. [color=aba000][b]"Me? Probably Earth. I'm not great. Don't know about you guys."[/b][/color] the boy threw out without much care.