Sneaking around her motel room as quietly as she could, Hayden grabbed hold of her few possessions and stuffed them, unfolded, into the black duffel bag hanging from her shoulder, doing her best not to wake the sleeping man in her bed. She could imagine Roze sat outside in her car, drumming her fingernails impatiently on the steering wheel and muttering to herself about Hayden's punctuality ... or lack there of. Hayden laughed at the thought but quickly clamped her mouth shut when the stranger among the sheets shuffled in his sleep. Goodbye's were not her forte, bailing before he opened his eyes seemed like a much better option, especially when considering she couldn't remember his name from last night. She'd gone to a bar right after the note had appeared under the door of Roze's room, promising information on who had pulled her from the pit. Hayden had received a note too, yet hers simply had a time and place, there wasn't any special reason since there was nothing they could offer her.Naturally both Roze and Hayden immediately assumed the notes were a trap but the promise of information on who pulled Roze from the pit was simply an opportunity too grand to give up. They'd argued about it for a while, Hayden thinking it was a dumb-ass idea and they should instead focus on the job they were doing - trying to track down a demon. Not that Hayden would admit it but Roze was right, the possible pro's outshined the inevitable cons on this one. Once all her stuff had been unceremoniously crammed into the bag, she took her gun from under her pillow, put it in the waistband of her jeans and headed out the door, closing it as quietly as the creaking hinges would allow. She paused a second once outside, drawing a cigarette to her lips and igniting it. Her army green eyes were pulled immediately to Roze's car in the parking lot, with her own Bonneville bike on the hitch rack at the rear. Yet even more distracting than the two beautiful pieces of machinery was the girl dressed like she belonged in Pride and Prejudice. Roze was on the phone, seemingly un-phased by the creature in front of her, yet her gun hung limp in her hand by her side. Something about the girl, even when ignoring the attire, screamed supernatural. One look at her and it was clear she wasn't human, stood too straight, moved too little. CODE RED flashed like a beacon behind Hayden's eyes. "Hey Rozie-" Hayden called, the annoying nickname immediately grabbing her friends attention, as she strode across the lot to where the two were stood. "-do I need to be shooting at Lizzie Bennett over here or we good?" In all honesty, the girl in the white dress didn't scream danger, in fact she seemed to infect Hayden with a sense of calm as she walked closer but until she got the green light from Roze, Hayden wouldn't relax. She held her cigarette between her lips, one hand holding onto the strap of her duffel and the other gripping the handle of the gun pressed against her spine.