[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/veKZXiY.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pZBo3Bv.png[/img][/center] [center][url=http://www.starwars.com/games-apps/star-wars-crawl-creator/?cid=56770f5ee4b077f915f3caa0]Titles[/url][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCN9K_a-MpE]Theme[/url][/center] Hi there! So, I just recently (like, very recently!) joined the guild after roleplaying on a whole bunch of different sites over the years. A little about me, I've CO-GM'd some roleplays in the past (mainly nation roleplays) and this is my first go at anything like this, so please do bare with me. As you might have guessed, seeing the latest addition to the Star Wars trilogy has really triggered my love for Star Wars once again, and I've always wanted to either be a part of, or run, a roleplay like this, and so I've finally decided to just bite the bullet and go for it. Anyway, onto the good stuff. If you looked at the lil' title thing I made (I couldn't resist) you might have a bit of an idea of what I'm going for. Essentially, I'm looking to create a roleplay about a group of ragtag, morally-ambiguous characters forced into companionship after evading capture by the Imperials on the planet of Tatooine (as is to be expected, however, their adventures will lead them to all corners of the galaxy). The members of this group will, consequentially, lose everything they had known and have to rely on one another for survival, while also (perhaps unwittingly) becoming figureheads for a new resistance movement across the galaxy. The roleplay is going to be split into various 'episodes', with each episode covering one plot-arch (with a major plot-arch overhanging all of the episodes). Should the roleplay be successful, the next episode will begin after a short break, carrying over the same cast of characters and introducing some new ones! For the time period, this is going to be set ten years after the Battle of Yavin, except instead of the Empire having lost the battle as we saw in the films, they will have been victorious. The traditional 'heroes' of the galaxy (Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca etc...) are missing, presumed to be dead. There are no known (keyword, known) other Jedi in the galaxy. [b]Your Characters[/b] So, who will you play? Well, that's up to you entirely. I only have a few 'rules' about character creation in mind, and this post isn't for the creation of characters anyway, it's about getting interest for the roleplay itself. Anyway, the rules are pretty simple. No Jedi, and your character should have a 'questionable' background. After all, the Imperials wanted to arrest you! I am also looking for one character, and only one, to be force sensitive. They would, ideally, be of a relatively young age (under 25ish), and they will (as you might have guessed) become the eventual 'Jedi' of the group as the plot unravels. There is going to be one other Jedi in the roleplay initially, played by myself and used as a device to move the plot forward (though, this character is going to die relatively quickly, spoiler-alert!) and, other than that, I will write for the main 'antagonists' of the plot. Don't expect Darth Vader anytime soon, though. Instead, it'll be various, original, Imperial Officers/Bounty Hunters. [b]Summing Up[/b] I'm looking to create a roleplay with a level of depth that goes beyond killing Imperials and successfully escaping the clutches of the Empire. With a small group, there's great potential for character and relationship building, which is something I absolutely want to exploit. This will be a roleplay set in the Star Wars universe, but there will be no obvious 'heroes'. Instead, it will focus on a group of individuals simply trying to survive in the harsh universe they find themselves in, and while they will indeed have the name 'hero' thrust upon them by those who will come to see them as a representation of resisting the Empire, they may not deserve it, or even want it. This roleplay will be of a [b]casual-advanced level[/b]. The character development and relationship building I hope to achieve cannot be accomplished through lighter standards, so I am looking for around 3 paragraphs per post, with reasonable detail. So, that's my idea. Please ask any questions you have, and let me know if you're interested!