[i]Hey guys! This is something I have been writing out for a little while, it has an extensive lore that I will be doing my best to get on here over time. The reason the description is so short is due to the lack of knowledge by the people within the game. [/i] There is no time. It has been so long for the people help captive under the regime of The Torog, the time has blended together. After the destruction of The Phoenix Order, The Torog quickly began to enslave any and all creatures across Moryl. Over time, many races and groups of slaves have began to rebel, but The Torog's strength is so great they quickly cleaved down their opponents. One group has survived and has grown in numbers. The Avandra are a group trained in darkness, the excel in slowly removing influence of The Torog from different areas. Though in the short term The Avandra have been helpful, the sheer masses of their enemy has proven to be quite a task. Another group, which is peaceful in nature, are the Ioun Order. The Ioun Order is dedicated in retrieving the history and lore of Moryl, and discovering the powers hidden with the ancient tomes. The majority of the people are uninfluenced by these groups, claiming them to be nothing more than thieves and assassins bent on chaos. The few who are against The Torog, including The Avandra, have begun to plan their takeover of their first city, a small mining town with little resistance and would be of little interest to The Torog if they lost the town. The Avandra have begun to make preparations to take the city within the week. The Ioun Order is preparing their own quest, a small ruin deep within the woods, that may contain much needed history and possibly long lost spell tomes that could be used for battle.