[B]Shuai Taidan - Team KNVS (Sticky Situation)[/B] The aircraft rocked violently against the storm of feathers, the shuddering of the metal vibrating into his body. To be attacked by a Nevermore so soon into their mission ... it was exciting to know that they were getting such a grand welcome from the hordes of Grimm they'd been sent to exterminate. Fighting that foul excuse for a bird however, seemed to be quite difficult when a team of hunters was trapped within a weaponless transport, as if condemned to a flying steel coffin. What could they possibly do? What actions could the senior team of KNVS perform in order to escape such a dangerous and deadly situation? Shuai Taidan, pretty-boy extraordinaire, master of disguise and pyromaniac, fastened his gas mask, snapping it tightly shut over his face. He rose from his seat, shifting his long polearm into a standing position and placing it down onto the cold floor of the transport with a quiet thud to keep himself balanced. "[color=CE2029]You guys go ahead,[/color]" he said cheerfully as he turned around to face his team, voice distorted by his mask. "[color=ce2029]I'll handle our feathery little friend, kay~?[/color]" The door behind him opened. The wind blew through, ruffling his hair and spreading throughout the entire aircraft. And then. He. Fell. Back. Taidan exited the aircraft, dropping to a rapid vertical descent towards the earth like a bullet. Then his boots flared up, the wind-and-fire wheels igniting with power, forcing him to a screaming halt. He hung like that for a second, held immobile within the blue sky, and his body suddenly shifted around. A Nevermore would have been a problem for any other hunter. However ... The skies were Taidan's domain. "[color=ce2029]I wonder if you taste like duck?[/color]" he murmured, looking up at the flying Grimm above him. Six ethereal arms unfurled from his back, as if Vishnu reborn. "[color=ce2029]Guess I gotta try![/color]" Spear in hand, he blitzed towards his enemy at high speeds.