Naisha was cheering from the side when Alex took the ball and began mowing down the opponents that tried to steal it from her. The sickly girl's throat had already worsen a couple of time, but each time, she would just drink a gulp from the healing potion and continue to cheer on. She attracted some attention from the other spectators for she was already quite a bit known around town, along with Alex. A sickly black mage with flaring temper was a thing that quickly spread in popularity. Alongside the fact she actually got in quite a bit of troubles with people who demanded her punished for quite a few things, it was obvious she was given the judging eyes. Not that she cared really, every time she acted it was because she was in the right. For example there was a man in the general audience that had tried to swindle an old lady on the market... She set his hat on fire for it...[color=6ecff6]' Good times...'[/color] She thought. When Jake did his sneak attack from behind, Naishe anger exploded! Her language quickly turned quite foul for a girl her age... One had to wonder where exactly did someone with such weak body found the strength to rage like she did. Plus if people knew one thing about her family it was that her mother certainly wasn't the one to teach her to swear like that and hell Rika did reprimand her a lot for her language as of late.[color=6ecff6]” JAKE YOU SPINLESS worm, I WILL GET YOU! YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE THIS TIME, YOU COWARD!”[/color] Nai shouted in anger. [color=fff79a] “A little girl like yourself, really should think twice before spouting nonsense...”[/color] She heard a familiar voice behind her. It was part of Jake's merry crew... [color=6ecff6]“So... I see you have no troubles ganging up on a girl in a wheelchair...”[/color] Nai stated and the boys quickly started to step towards her.[color=fff79a]” This time we will teach you to keep your damned mouth shut, you bag of bones... You were always ugly, but now even more so... you look like a husk...”[/color] One of the boys began laughing as they drew closer and closer to her. [color=6ecff6] “I see...”[/color] Nai hissed, her magic flaring up as she formed it in her mind. Her mana surging through her body and into the doll she used to focus.[color=6ecff6]” Ice barrage.”[/color] She hissed as the boys suddenly realized she really wasn't kidding. Small spheres of ice formed around her and began speed towards all of them. Causing nasty bruises, she didn't target their heads on purpose, to not seriously injure them. A hit from this in the head could even kill, so she still was going quite easy on them. When she was done, one of the boys was on the ground, holding his knee while the rest ran away. Seems she hit him there, she remembered who he was and it was time to teach him a lesson and use him as an example.[color=6ecff6]” So, I hear you will apply for the team next year...”[/color] Naisha muttered as she formed a lot bigger ball of ice aiming it at his knee.[color=6ecff6]” It really would be a shame to have something happen to your knee and turn you into a cripple...”[/color] Nai hissed as she slowly moved the big ball of ice over his leg.[color=bc8dbf]” No, please don't! I don't want to be a cripple!”[/color] The boy shouted, but only met Nai's surprisingly cold anger[color=6ecff6].” Too late...”[/color] She replied and hurled the ice at his leg.[color=00a651]” NAISHA, THAT'S ENOUGH!”[/color] She heard a familiar shout and in the last moment redirected the ice that it missed the leg by an inch. It was Lulu who stood not too far.