[center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/s3cwbc.png[/img] [h2][color=violet]Jade[/color] & [color=cyan]Cade[/color] Forbes[/h2] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color]✗ 15 years of age ✗[color=gold][u][b]Sex[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet]Female[/color] [color=cyan]Male[/color] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Gender Identity[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet]Female[/color] [color=cyan]Male[/color] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet]Straight[/color] [color=cyan]Bisexual[/color] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Birthdate[/b][/u][/color]✗ December 21st ✗[color=gold][u][b]Occupation Ambition[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet]Artist or Photographer[/color] [color=cyan]He hasn't decided yet. Probably something to do with music.[/color] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Criminal Record[/b][/u][/color]✗ None ✗[color=gold][u][b]Education History[/b][/u][/color]✗ They attended Elementary and Middle school like everyone else. They are freshman in high school. ✗[color=gold][u][b]Pets[/b][/u][/color]✗ [img]http://www.animaroo.com/assets/sites/animaroo.com/img/breeds/img/siberian-husky_medium.jpg?1355978499[/img] The twins both take care of Loki. ✗[color=gold][u][b]Talents[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet][list][*]Playing the violin [*]Drawing [*]Photography[/list][/color] [color=cyan][list][*]Playing guitar and the piano [*]Singing [*]Great memory[/list][/color] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Hobbies[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet][list][*]Reading [*]Taking pictures [*]Drawing[/list][/color] [color=cyan][list][*]Guitar and piano [*]Writing music [*]Using some of his sisters pictures in a scrap book.[/list][/color] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet][color=white]「✓」[/color] Caring [color=white]♦[/color] Sweet [color=white]♦[/color] Good listener [color=white]「✖」[/color] Tends to bottle up her problems [color=white]♦[/color] Will act like nothing is wrong [color=white]♦[/color] Doesn't have a lot of self-confidence [color=white]_~_[/color] Jade is normally described as a kind and caring individual. She tends to put others needs before her own and won't hesitate to help someone if she feels they are in need of assistance. She also has her shy moments where she tends to look at the ground and not really talk to anyone. She gets nervous when meeting new people. Despite all of this, Jade has a stubborn streak like her brother and will not budge if she sets her mind to something. She's not one to anger easily but once she is watch out because she can have quite the temper and is not afraid to give you a piece of her mind. Of course, afterwards she will be completely mortified by what she said and will apologize profusely to the person she grew angered at. If she thinks they deserve it that is. Another trait of Jade's is that she has a bad habit of bottling up her problems so the people around her will not worry. Even if she is having the worst day imaginable she will still put on a smile and say everything is fine.[/color] [color=cyan][color=white]「✓」[/color] Protective [color=white]♦[/color] Kind [color=white]♦[/color] Jovial [color=white]「✖」[/color] Stubborn [color=white]♦[/color] Doesn't think before he acts [color=white]♦[/color] Doesn't like asking for help [color=white]_~_[/color] Cade is rather out-going and cheerful most of the time. He can be very protective over his sister and those he cares about and will go to many lengths to keep them safe. Cade can always been seen wearing a smile, even if he is anything but happy. Cade can also be very stubborn, especially once he sets his mind to do something. He is also very self-less, not even thinking if someone is in danger, recklessly throwing himself in harms way to protect them. Despite his cheerful nature, once Cade is angered better run because it is a force to reckon with. The quieter and calmer Cade becomes the angrier he is. He also has a soft-spot for cute things and animals, though he will never admit it. Cade can be quiet oblivious about things, it can just go over his head sometimes.[/color] ✗[color=gold][u][b]Biography[/b][/u][/color]✗ To say the twins were apart of a happy family would be stretching it a bit. They never knew their father, the man had left as soon as he found out the siblings's mother was pregnant. Their mother's parents disowned her and she was left to raise them by herself, her own sister turning her back on her. She tried her best, working three jobs. The twin's helped out where they could, staying out of their mother's way and not making a mess. Despite their mother's best efforts Cade and Jade were forced to take care of themselves sometimes. When they turned 10, their mother meet another man. It was no surprise that their mother soon married him, lured in by his money. However, not too after their step-father John soon began showing his colors. He ordered their mother around and turned to drinking. When he grew angry he targeted Jade, the girl being the weakest one in the family. Cade desperately tried to protect his twin but there was only so much he could do and so he felt helpless when Jade stopped talking one day after particularly brutal verbal abuse courtesy of John. Cade tried everything to get Jade to talk but the girl was sent into panic attacks when someone tried to force her to talk. Cade, not knowing what else to do, started learning sign language with Jade to help his sister. Jade's muteness seemed to only incite John's anger all the more. When the twins were fourteen, a teacher had seen the bruises on Jade and CPS was involved. Having no other relatives since their grandparents were deceased, the twins were put into the system where they were luckily both adopted by the Forbes family. ✗[color=gold][u][b]Extras[/b][/u][/color]✗ [color=violet]Jade was diagnosed with absence seizures, where she sort of drifts off inside her head randomly and is unaware of what is happening around her. The seizures normally last up between two minutes to five. They happen randomly and after the seizure is over Jade will continue doing whatever it was she had been doing before the seizure started. The dangerous part of this however is that while in the seizure Jade might move. Be it simply moving her hand or getting up and walking away maybe towards a staircase. She has no control over what she does nor does she remember any of it when she comes out of the seizure. [/color] [color=cyan]He has a fear of spiders. Throw any bug, reptile, or any other animal at him and he's fine. Spiders? Nope, not okay. He doesn't even like talking about them.[/color] [/center]