Well, the duel was over and Zacharie had won in a rather one-sided round. Although he had expected for Vincent to plow him through, Chaos archtypes usually took time, which played well into his match-up. Neither player wanted to be the first to attack, which gave Zacharie all the time he needed with an explosive card draw. It could have gone quite a few ways, certainly with the searching abilities of the spellbooks, sort of a grand system to find and search everything for the right occasion, something which a few decks lacked in power. Yet this too was their weakness, too reliant on finding the books, one break in the chain would simply have stopped it. Frankly, in retrospect, if he had not used book of moon on priestess and instead used it to flip the library facedown, his draw engine would have stopped him early on from drawing the Spellbook of Fate. Yes, it was that first draw from the royal magical library, Spellbook of Fate, which served as an omen of who would win this duel. If you believed in that sort of stuff anyways. Without Fate, Zacharie would have easily lost priestess and the duel, forcing him to take the defensive against a chaos sorcerer. Maybe Vincent gave him this victory? Either way, he felt uneasy about it, especially given their fast friendship. [color=6ecff6]"Many siblings 'ere, No?"[/color] The French boy looked up from his book at the rather loud introduction of Ben Carson, brother of the younger Andre. He had sat back down after the duel, [color=6ecff6]"'e's quite the opposite of le frérot: social, amical, et... bel homme. 'e must be popular with ze girls, Beauté est acheté par le jugement de l'œil...[/color] A rather strange observation, meaning whatever it would mean to Vincent, the French mattering more here than the English. As often his inner thoughts are better done in French than English. Although no one spoke a lick of French here, but since Vincent has been able to seemingly keep up so far, Zacharie assumed he was understood quite well. This may be a deception he set upon himself however, and he would need to work on communicating in English. [color=6ecff6]"Comme c'est terrible,"[/color] Zacharie had actually stopped reading, and observed the duel without reading a line between the turns, [color=6ecff6]"'e's not doing so well.[/color] The boy had a clear favourite in this matchup, where he was rather neutral in earlier games, this one certainly took his attention much more. Perhaps it was because who was dueling, or was it something else? There certainly seemed to be a part of the Frenchman which cheered for Ben to win this round, perhaps it was the duelist's magnetic personality, which had charged up the arena and Zacharie was simply caught along with it. Either way the intensity certainly got to him who usually hid behind a book to separate himself. [color=6ecff6]"Toutes sortes d'hommes dosé à tirer l'épée qui doser. Mais aucun ne peut l'emporter, mais Arthur[/color] He smiled, happy that Ben had won the match in such a glorious way. Actually getting his opponent to zero after being the underdog here. A spectacular show of showmanship and strength. The story of the Knights, and their leader King Arthur, which was thoroughly enjoyed by Zacharie alongside Ben's performance, even if he did want the same structure deck earlier but he reasoned Ben would play it better. [color=6ecff6]"à arracher la victoire de la défaite, is 'e not a hero de fantaisie?."[/color]