Andre waited for his brother to get out of the bathroom, somewhat surprised the announcer hadn't come on before he had finished, and when Ben emerged he was still smiling, apparently he was still pumped from his showing, and his face was covered in water as well. [color=fff200]"Man I don't care if it's bathroom sink water but it feels good to wipe away the stress. It's hard being the rockstar who goes out and puts on a show. I don't know how Big Bro does it in the pro leagues."[/color] Ben said tired as Andre spit into a nearby bin. [color=ed1c24]"He does it by not being a fancy show off and or loud talker every single time he enters the stage. Besides his friend does all the loud smack talking for both of them. I just wonder if he'll compete in the pro-league tag championship this year."[/color] Andre said as Ben shrugged and walked past Andre back towards the bleachers, [color=fff200]"Who knows I'd be happy if we got a chance to see him on T.V between his real job and his pro-career I don't know when we'll actually see him again. All the same he can take care of himself."[/color] Ben said to Andre as the two made their seperate ways back to their own arena, [color=fff200]"You know I'm gunning for you right? I still want a chance for my King to wipe out your demons."[/color] Ben said suddenly as Andre turned to leave towards his arena, [color=ed1c24]"You have a king but I have an Emperor. Last time I checked Emperor was higher on the food chain. We'll see what's in store when we actually get placed up in our dorms. Hell after that you'll probably be drowning in fans and admirers."[/color] Andre said to Ben as Ben rubbed his head and laughed, [color=fff200]"As if. I'm probably going to the local nut job and I'm sure the girls dig the creepy loner more now of days."[/color] Ben said as he departed not letting Andre get in another word as the younger brother lamented his family's life choices and he hung his head in his hand.