Name: Marc Decker Appearance:[img][/img] Age/grade:15/10th Power/mutation: Marc can create, shape and manipulate fire. He has only been able to generate fire but his control is lacking. Medical Consideration: His powers are tied into his emotions. So when his emotions spike so do the elements. His fires get more intense with his emotions. Personality: Marc is a pretty chill guy. He tries to guve off giid vibes and he hates conflict. Marc is the type to be friendly to eveyone. He is a lazy person, simply because he does not like work. History: Marc was 11 when his powers began to manifest. He grew up on a farm with his grandparents, tending to the animals and taking care of the livestock. He noticed the affect of his powers one day when he woke up extra sleepy. He hated waking up so early and having to deal with the smelly animals. He went to tend to the cows that morning, in a nasty mood, and the cow had pooped while he was milking it, and he got so mad that it bust into flames. But his anger did not stop there, soon the other cows were on fire and then the whole barn. Once the fire stopped the only thing left were ashes and hamburgers. Afterwards his grandparents sent him to the institute to learn how to contol his powers. Equipment: He has a stress ball to help control his anger. He also tries to get clothes resistant to fire. He aslo has this fire blamket in his bag at all times.