so, I made a roleplay to do with this, but I didn't realise you couldn't change the title xDD So, uh, maybe I'll get some more joiners this way anyway, so Ok, I've made a clan called hollyclan ( [url=]Link here[/url] ) It's a bit of a rush here, but I want to make it a proper roleplay. Note; The plot is in the roleplay, sorta. I know that its weird, but that's how it worked. EDIT: Ok, sorry for any confusion. I want to remake the olot I have here, onto a better page, with hopefully more joiners. But I wont do it if no one joins, despite wanting to have a better thread, because all the work wouldn't be worth it. It's have a layout, banner and all of that, though, and the plot would be explained in the OOC on the main page. basically, a clan was forced away from home, and has ben searching for a new one ever since, and stuff. OK, sorry for this pages lack of... stuff, and explanations, but that's the best I can do without boring you to death.