[hider=Agent Max Hernandez] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Agent Maximilian Hernandez: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGZ0ntpSx2Y]KINGFISHER RAVEN[/url], H, Max [/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]22[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Appearance & Attire:[/b] [indent]5’9”, 130 pounds. He’s slightly underweight, a little bony, though police training has kept his muscle tone at least a little bit noticeable through his arms and shoulders. He’s certainly no wrestler, one of those guys who looks like he prefers being behind a desk than in a firefight. Being of Mexican and Filipino heritage, he has coppery skin, though from staying inside, his skin has become quite pale for being hispanic/asian. He walks with a slight slouch and sits leaning forwards, with his elbows on his knees and his hands steepled downwards. He does not speak much, but when he does, his voice is low and cold-sounding, almost mechanical in sound. He rarely makes eye contact unless he is being very serious. His face is short and thin, gaunt-looking with skin stretched across sharp cheekbones. Despite his recluse appearance, he has excellent hygiene, with white teeth, little acne, and a clean shave always. His eyes are dark green mixed with brown, making them look murky. He has thin eyebrows and short, messy black hair. Max generally combs his hair to keep it from getting tangled, but always wears a baseball cap over it, so he doesn’t really spend much time on it. He has small ears and an average-sized nose, as well as thin lips. Max wears the same exact thing every day; a pair of khaki pants, a white oxford shirt, a pair of brown combat boots, and a brown leather peacoat with the KINGFISHER insignia ironed onto the right shoulder. When it gets very cold, he wears a blue scarf. On his head is always a brown Harvard baseball cap, with a white H on the front and the word “Harvard” on the back. This cap almost never leaves his head, even when inside. [/indent] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [indent]Many things. Being a wunderkind in his own right, Max has mastered many intellectual sports. He has an iQ of 150, genius-level. He’s a chess grandmaster, holds the world record for the Rubik’s Cube, with a time of 4.784 seconds, is a master cellist, and is Diamond 1 ranked in League of Legends (his favorite champion is Swain). His favorite item is the brain cube, a rubber Rubik’s cube shaped like a brain, with ridges and divots in it to make it look like a cube-shaped brain. He has read every single story from Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Edgar Allan Poe, and is a connoisseur of mystery novels. His favorite TV show is Death Note, with Sherlock a close second. He speaks Spanish, German, French, Arabic, Russian, and Mandarin Chinese. Max is a NEST agent as well, so he has some degree of combat training. He is a computer science nerd, already with a degree in compsci from Harvard, and while he chooses not to use his computer skills for black hat hacking, if he did he’d be a real menace. He has basic hand-to-hand combat training from NEST, and this, combined with his power, make him quite the adversary for untrained opponents (though well-trained fighters who are good at staying unpredictable can outmaneuver him fairly easily). He is also fairly proficient with firearms (once again, his power helps). [/indent] [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [indent]St.Genevieve's Home for Children in Mendel, Louisiana has been famous over the years for raising quite a few supernatural orphaned children. Skeleton, the leader of the Skulls, the deadliest metahuman gang in US history, Sierra Alvarez, a Skull lieutenant, Allen Bishop, the leader of the NEST branch KINGFISHER, and many more have been found on their doorstep at one time or another. Max Hernandez was no different. Born to a poor single mother, he was given up for adoption at six months old, and came to St.Genevieve’s. He lived there until the age of ten, and in that time showed himself to be supernaturally intelligent. He was a wunderkind, capable of solving a rubik’s cube at the age of three and speaking several languages by the age of five. He was a social recluse of sorts, with few friends. He spent most of his days reading mystery novels and solving puzzles rather than playing with the other children. When NEST came to test the children to see if any of them had supernatural powers, Max was found to be positive, but besides his intelligence, they found nothing. Assuming that he would manifest later, they let him go without sending him to an Academy. He graduated high school at the age of thirteen and then went to Harvard, where he graduated with degrees in comp sci and mathematics at sixteen. He was going for a masters in comp sci, but his tendency to get into things ended up with him breaking into classified NEST-sanctioned research labs, getting him expelled (though not stripped of his degrees because the president of the school was so impressed that he actually could break in). Upon returning to Mendel, NEST tested him once more and discovered his incredible perception powers. They had him attend the Wright Institute at University of Mendel, where he learned how to use his powers to their fullest potential. Then, knowing that he would be useful, they sent him to NEST training. Because the Gang War was going on in Mendel, Max was sent to Black Fall for his training, where he trained under the NEST pseudo-legend Henry Olin. Henry kept an eye on the boy (for they knew he had a nose for trouble) and, under Henry’s training, Max became a great NEST agent. He was sent back to Mendel after his training, and at the peak of the Mendel Gang War (a war between two rival metahuman gangs that destroyed most of Mendel), he was promoted to the KINGFISHER squadron, an elite group of NEST agents designed to take down the two gangs and bring harmony to the city. With his help, KINFISHER defeated the Skulls, ending the war and causing the Vanguard (the other gang), to fall apart and fade into obscurity. Max worked with KINGFISHER ever since, and has been deployed to a few various meta riots across the country since. Unfortunately, at one such riot in Baltimore, Max discovered a plot by KINGFISHER members to deploy deadly amounts of Serum 17 (gas that burns metahumans and weakens their powers) on a group of rioters. He exposed this to NEST, getting the KINGFISHER members fired. Though he was thanked by NEST, they knew that he had to be punished for nosing his way into to someone else’s business again. So, they promoted him and then sent him to Academy 218 to “watch for suspicious behavior related to plots by the Hands of Science”. Max is no idiot, though; he knows that “watch for suspicious behavior” means “babysit”. But hey, he’s been wrong before. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Power Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT](Cerebral (Extra-Sensory)[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [indent] [i]Extrasensory Perception:[/i] You know that feeling you get when you’re being watched? Or that prickle at the back of your neck when you realize you’re in a bad situation? Do you know how sometimes you have a *gut* feeling that something is wrong, or that something needs to be done. This is, colloquially, known as the sixth sense, or intuition. Max has this sixth sense too, but his is significantly more powerful than any other living human. Essentially, Max has the ability to synthesize information about an area given little to no sensory input to account for that information. He can use this ability in a variety of ways. It gives him incredible detail perception, allowing him to find clues that even master detectives would never have been able to discover. His deduction skills give Sherlock Holmes a run for his money. Max’s ESP makes him extremely good at breaking into things as well, as he can pick locks and figure out what combination codes are with ease. He can disassemble any piece of machinery and put it back together effortlessly. By sensing the muscle twitches of his opponents, he can predict his opponent’s next move, making him scary good at hand-to-hand combat. He can sense things about people, such as personality traits and names, without asking them. He knows when someone is holding a gun, when someone is afraid, and when someone is lying. This makes him a phenomenal detective and an incredibly difficult enemy to deal with. [/indent] [b]Limits:[/b] [indent] Max’s power is in no way telepathy. His ESP can let him know things like names and personality traits, but he cannot read a person’s thoughts, no matter how hard he tries. Max’s telepathy also only has a useful range of about forty feet, so anything outside of that is free of him. The more complicated a thing Max wants to know, the more focus and energy are required to discover it. While breaking a four-digit padlock code takes Max no time at all, breaking a three hundred digit padlock code would take him a good bit of time. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [indent]So you know how when a person loses a sense, their other senses become stronger to account for it? Like, people who go blind have better hearing, smell, and taste than someone with vision and a deaf person can have better vision than a normal person. As Max has six primary senses instead of five (aware that there are other senses besides the five but this is an RP not a science project), he has the opposite effect of this, with his other senses being weaker. Because of his ESP, Max’s senses of hearing, sight, taste, and touch are all less effective than a normal person’s. He wears contact lenses to deal with the sight, but if he loses them he doesn’t see very well. He hears less-effectively than a normal person and his senses of smell and taste are quite weak. In addition to this, if Max is disoriented, he loses his ESP just like other senses. So things like flashbangs, super loud noises, or other forms of prompting sensory overload shut down his ESP just like his other senses. Electromagnetic radiation interferes with it as well, so his powers don’t work in the presence of electrokinetic or magnetic metahumans (or at least within their electromagnetic field). While Max is good at blocking out telepaths, this requires him to focus so hard on building a mental barrier that he becomes unable to use his powers, so telepathic metas are quite useful against him. Max’s ESP can also be wrong. Just like the other senses, it is fallible, and in rather rare cases is known to be wrong (ie, pm me if you’re in an interaction with him and ask for his ESP to mess up. Don’t just assume that he’s wrong without consulting me first). Generally this comes from things which are similar: a banana is in a pocket instead of a gun, a name usually spelled with a v is spelled with a ph, someone is holding four fingers behind their back with two crossed to appear as three. Just like sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, his sixth sense can be deceived. [/indent] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent]Basically your character's relationship with other characters. [b] {Character Name} [/b] | [b] {Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral} [/b] | [b] {Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | {Character Thoughts via in-character quote} |[/indent] [h3][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/h3] [list][*] [/list][/hider]