[quote][b]4.1 Storm of Agony[/b] [list][*][i]Done with hiding in the shadows, a new threat that was lying in wait has revealed itself to Verthaven - claiming responsibility for the rain. Calling herself the Devil of Verthaven, she unleashed her horde of monsters upon Verthaven, intending to wipe out the city - starting with NEST and the Hands of Science. With an artificial disaster taking place, an untold amount of destruction has already taken place. With little hope that it'll get better, can Verthaven survive this trial?[/i][/list] [hr][/quote] [hider=The Devil of Verthaven] [b]Name[/b]: [indent][i]Sarah[/i] - but she no longer goes by that name. She is now the [i]Devil of Verthaven.[/i][/indent] [b]Age[/b]: [indent]23[/indent] [b]Description[/b]: [indent]A former Fiend that, after the death of her lover, took the Hands of Science Power-Granting serum and became a Metahuman with the power to end the world at her fingertips. Her appearance is heavily mutated from her original. She was originally a scrawny crackhead with straight hair, and rather sharp and pronounced features. Now, her skin is a pale color, and she is surrounded by a layer of slime. Skin on her right side have taken a dark-grey color, and is very rough. She has many tentacles, and clawed hands. Her goal is to end Verthaven, and completely wipe out the city, and eventually the world, out of sheer grief. Intending to spread it all over the globe.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b]: [indent]The Devil holds immense power at her fingertips. The power to end the world. The first and foremost ability she has is the ability to create monsters that follow her every command. She creates them by producing a dark-grey sludge that she is able to mold into any beast she can think of. There are no particular limits to this other than time. She can constantly produce them (Which is what she intends on doing). The other ability is the power to manipulate weather - and the elements associated with them - to a frightening degree. She's able to drown Verthaven in never-ending rain without straining herself even in the slightest. She can control water and wind, shoot electricity, and produce fog and mist. With every day that passes these abilities naturally get stronger - however, she can receive a boost by consuming the heart of another Metahuman. This, in turn, also strengthens her ability to sense Metahumans (Specifically their energy). The Devil is also capable of directly controlling a form by inserting her consciousness into it. By taking control of one of her beasts, her powers will be channeled through the form. She'll be capable of manipulating weather [i]and[/i] creating beasts.[/indent] [/HIDER]