And just like that, the fight was over, as the opposition made a hasty and surprising retreat. At first it felt like victory, until she remembered [i]this was only a raid[/i], they were the blocking-force, and the Panthers failed to break-through. Whatever they came for, they at least managed to get their primary objective. This also meant there was a tiny window upon which to take-back what they stole. Scaling a parking-ramp, she overlooked any vehicles still fleeing the destruction. Everyone would need to be questioned, and panicky people were running in all directions when they should be seeking-aid or helping identify the enemy. Her perch wasn't the best vantage-point, but it covered [i]all[/i] traffic headed towards the port-side. Then, her radio crackled: [quote=@DarkStar]"[b]Miss Marlene, I think...that Miss Cecilia could use some Sniper cover.. Can you reposition yourself? I really wouldn't mind it either right now. Kind of...feeling naked[/b]" "[b]Panthers do you copy![/b], [i]For Osbania! For The Chairman! FOR THE MOTHERLAND![/i]", her plants buzzed in her ears and she closed her eyes. Hearing Cecilia respond she knew a somewhat tentative all clear was sounded. She looked down and saw that their was a pretty impressive pool gathering around her. "[i]Sorr..y Miss, Richard..I don't think...that was the case...[/i]", she gave a soft wince between gasps for air. Every breath was like being stabbed. "[i] I tol..d Is in or..d...[/i]", sarah let out a cry. For all it seemed Sarah was actually quite the soft person. It didn't really take much to overwhelm her body, Like a crystal it would crack in the perfect circumstances. [/quote] It was Sarah, nice to know she was actually paying attention back at the bar to catch her name, and in the hangar to see her prepping YASSIR. [b]"Already on overwatch. Looks like they're trying to leave with whatever they took amidst the confusion of our little spat. Think we have the manpower to create a few checkpoints?"[/b] She keyed-in as she popped a mortar-launched drone and watched the traffic, including a pair of white-vans traveling in-convoy through the construction-yard. The vehicles weren't out of place, the fact they were driving right through a warzone to get to there was.