[@Slendy] Though her outer visage remained unperturbed, or so it appeared, inside, it was a different story. Her words...they had only served to slight the boy, to dash any hopes he...or she even had of a possible friendship, such words spoken in dry venom, that they too poisoned the blood of Kurohime, and brought a searing, intolerable agony to her heart, a heart she had thought broken and numb already. [i]"I believe we are compatible..."[/i] And that did it....those very words he uttered from hushed lips of paroxysm and scorn, they were the final nails driven into the sepulchre of Kurohime's inner turmoil. [color=ed1c24]"Then....believe what you will..!"[/color] There was a shift in tone as her eyes, gleaming brighter and more ferocious than Hellfire, turned towards the boy, her accustom whisper seeming more as an incensed growl. Suddenly, she turned for the worst, snapping at him as a dark, vicious hound of Thanatos, her frail, petite figure quaking and trembling with every utterance of flames from her lips. [color=ed1c24][b]"Because we're not! So just...just leave me be!!"[/b][/color] She screamed to the top of her lungs, echoing throughout the auditorium...for all to unfortunately hear. Then...something felt warm against her cheek...streaming from her eyes glaring angrily at the boy. They were tears indeed....tears...of blood streaming down her face. She couldn't take this anymore. Pushing herself against the boy, she coldly and wearily shoved him aside, racing towards the exit and back into the cold of the Autumn afternoon. She found herself falling to the ground soon after, lying in lachrymose beneath the looming shadows of an ancient willow tree, weeping till the grass beneath her was soaked in a sea of crimson, the dark shadows forming around her body, as though a blanket of security to comfort and console her as her painful cries fell into breathless whimpers. She didn't want this....any of this....