[i][u]Luce[/u][/i] When Luce reached the top of the ladder, she found herself on an old, weathered balcony, high above the reaching roots. The balcony led to a misshapen door that was tilted open. Inside the old woman dropped herself into a wooden chair and sat among various bottles and books, plants and papers. She leaned back and closed her eyes, not bothering to look at Luce as she spoke. [b]"Alright, I know you got questions. Now, I can't answer all of them, and frankly I don't got time to, neither. So you're in a new world. Ain't no way back. There's more creatures out here like those trees, but not all bad either. It'll be safe for you to leave come morning."[/b] [@alina13] [hr] [u][i]Bishop and Cronus[/i][/u] The Dragon's Kneecap was… really, the epitome of Nocklin life. Brigands and bandits looked to be on the cusp of starting a brawl, the waitstaff was being harassed, and through it all a woman stood on stage, singing a song that may or may not have been on key. Somewhere in the chaos, someone shouted in Bishop and Cronus' direction. [b]"Ha, new meat! Good luck lastin'!"[/b] There was a chorus of gruff laughter. The creatures in Cronus' bag started to glow through the soaked fabric. [@Bishop][@Billsomething]