Haas started to doze off a little. Neither Hayate nor Hayato was really saying anything, and the duel over in Arena Two was progressing so slowly... And it was soooo boring... The boy's eyelids were slowly just falling down in front of his eyes, still leaning against the wall when he did. Then from a little ways away he heard someone shout [b][i]'Over there!'[/i][/b] Haas opened his eyes again, only to see a silver-haired girl running on over whilst dragging another silver-haired person around, only a boy. That one didn't seem to be too happy to be here. [color=aba000][b]"...Since when does losing make you popular?"[/b][/color] the boy mumbled to himself, taken a little by surprise at yet another person wanting to talk to them. The girl said Haas had done just fine on his duel, though her friend seemed to agree less so. Well, a loss was a loss isn't it? The outcome's not changing, even if he did well or not. The girl started off introducing herself, and her brother apparently. Haas was supposed to know him apparently? Like, did he do something important in his life or what? And she got to skip out on placement duels, yet gets placed in Earth anyway. Ouch. That has to sting. [color=aba000][b]"Um... Yeah, hi. I'm Haas. Can't say I actually know who your brother is, though... Is that a bad thing?"[/b][/color] Haas questioned, genuinely confused on who this person was supposed to be. [color=aba000][b]"Ah... Thanks for the complement, but I really didn't do all that great. I'd probably pick up more tricks from you than you from me."[/b][/color] Haas covered his second yawn again, eyes flickering between open and closed. [color=aba000][b]"Sorry... I'm a little tired."[/b][/color]