After Haas introduced himself, Shinrei looked away without a care in the world while his sister smiled toward him and held at her hand to shake his hand. Unlike her brother, she knew how to properly socialize with people which is something her brother certainly needed to brush up on. [b]"Pleasure to meet you, Haas. I doubt there is much I can teach since I am just a beginner. You would learn more from my brother than anything. He is a professional duelist though he doesn't like to show it."[/b] She said she tugged at her brother's hand and pulled him forward to try to get him to introduce himself. He just gave her a cold stare and a look of displeasure as he hated socializing with people especially ones that were complete failures. [b]"Go ahead, introduce yourself, Shinrei."[/b] she said as she turned toward him a a very icy cold gaze in her eyes. It was almost like the gaze from a Medusa which gave Shinrei a little bit of a chill in his body. That look in her eye was never a look he liked to see or took lightly. Though he only stood there and looked at Haas where she moved her foot over and stepped on his foot really hard and put more ferocity into her voice as she repeated what she said a moment, [b]"I said introduce yourself, Shinrei! Do not make me repeat myself!"[/b] Shinrei immediately cringed when she stepped on his foot and used her heel to dig into his toes. It really hurt where an immediate [i]'ouch'[/i] came out of his mouth. He then turned and look at her with frustration, [b]"That hurt Tsukiko! Did you have to step on my foot like that? Dammit, that hurt..."[/b] [b]"The name is Shinrei Ikushirou. Forget what she said. I do not really care about my past as I have put it behind..."[/b] Again he was intterupted when Tsukiko took her foot once again and stomped on his foot which again sent a painful sensation through his body and he yelled [i]'ouch'[/i] once again. [b]"Forgive my brother's rudeness. He's a bit of an isolationist. What he meant to say that he is the former World Circuit Duelist Shinrei Ikushirou who made to the finals, but withdrew due to an accident he encountered during one of his duels."[/b] Tsukiko remarked as she hummed with a smile as she saw her brother was still trying to recover from the torment she put his poor foot through. She turned her eyes away from him and looked at Haas again before turning an eye toward him for a moment, [b]"If you had been nice in the first place I wouldn't have had to force the issue. Now you're pouting. Sometimes I wonder what I'm going to do with you, Shinrei."[/b] Shinrei could only look on and try to hold back his words as the pain in his foot was quite unbearable. Those boots she wore with those heals were like spikes that skewered into the skin. Quite unpleasant and he was just reminded once again why he always hated to get on her bad side again which he successfully did again realizing he was being a complete jerk earlier and like usual she made him pay for it.[b] "I do not know why you are complimenting him. I mean, how can you lose with such a sizable advantage of having more cards than your opponent? That is the epitome of an amateur."[/b] He paused for a moment as he turned his eyes toward the other duel that had concluded. He noticed one person who was trying to pump on the crowd with his showboating antics which bemused Shinrei then the other person who look like they were full of themselves. [b]"Then again, all the duels I saw were nothing more than a circus act. Worse enough, we have a bunch of clowns like them. How can I be impressed with such childish antics and a bunch of mule's bray and fool's talk."[/b] He said as he pointed toward the crowd pleaser and the other person who acted like they were better than everyone else. [b]"Do you always have to be so negative, Shinrei? Can't you at least say something nice or do you always have to be mean and nasty toward everything you see which does not impress you at all?"[/b] Tsukiko question as she gave off a long sigh then turned toward Haas and politely apologized for her brother's terrible choice of words. She didn't quite understand why Shinrei always had to look at the negative side of everything and criticize it until someone was red in the face steamed with anger. It is just a rude thing to do and he certainly would have to brush up on proper manners when he was in the face of public. [b]"I'm really sorry for how rude my brother is, Haas. Disregard his comments. He didn't actually mean what he said. That amateur remark he made toward you was uncalled for and I am so ashamed he would say that to you. Again I apologize on his behalf since he lacks any sense of dignity."[/b]