[@c3p-0h] [i][color=98FB98] "Do you have time to tell me what this world is called?" [/color][/i] Luce asked, a little annoyed that this woman was being so short with her. Being the one who was ripped from her world and dropped into another like a discarded animal, she figured she deserved to know whatever information she wanted to know! But apparently this woman was "too busy" to answer her questions. However, she couldn't really think straight enough to even voice the questions she HAD so she chose not to say anything to the rather rude woman. Instead, she decided to be polite and said, [i][color=98FB98] "Thank you for leading me here and saving me from those things. Where exactly should I sleep at?" [/color][/i] Luce silently wondered what would happen to that other person the roots got a hold of. . . That didn't exactly look like a very comfortable position to be in at the moment, any moment really. She wondered what her guardians were thinking right now. What time was it back home? Did they notice she was gone? Were they looking for her? Did they feed her cat? She decided that these were not the most important of questions she should be asking right now. She needed sleep and she knew it. Maybe after a long night's rest she could think a little clearer about her situation. [i][color=98FB98] Maybe not. . . [/color][/i] She thought