Full Name: Ariel Winter Age: 40 Species: Skinwalker Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual Appearance: Ariel stands at 5'3" with long, black hair, slightly tan skin, ice blue eyes, and a thin but muscular frame. Just by looking at her, one is able to tell she is of japanese decent. She wears a grey, long-sleeve t-shirt, a denim/leather jacket (leather sleeves and collar on denim vest), black jeans and long, black, hiking boots. While a dog, she appears as a husky with a white face, lower legs and underbelly, black back, top of the head, ears and upper legs with a layer of brown between them, having a brown tail as well. Her eyes stay their ice blue color. Personality: Ariel is overall caring and gentle, sometimes seeming rather motherly, though does have her moments when she will make comments about pretty women she sees. She is often trying to get laid while in town, much to the chagrin of her partners. Backstory: Ariel had grown up running from Hunters her entire life. She, unlike her parents, had not been created by the Alpha but had been born a Skinwalker. With her family constantly on the run from Hunters and, after refusing to obey the Alpha, the Skinwalkers, she didn't have much time to be a child. Then her parents were killed. They had been out on a hunt for food, trying to find someone, anyone, to eat. It didn't go well. Ariel waited all night but they never returned. The next morning, she found their bodies. She could tell by the bite marks they had been killed by Skinwalkers. She traveled alone for years, living off scraps until one night, she was cornered by a Hunter. He said he knew what she was and he offered her a deal. She was to be his informant and he would find scumbags who got away with large crimes, such as murder, to feed her. Their arrangement went well for a year before the man's sister found out. Once their eyes met, it was love at first sight. Ariel was afraid, though and had tried to hide, only to be pinned by the girl to a wall. An hour later, they were kissing. They quickly became a couple. A few months later, she had gone to the spot where they had normally met up. When they were late to show up, however, Ariel ran to their house. She had arrived just in time to see 7 monsters leaving, each one carrying one weapon except the Djinn who carried a pair. She searched the house and had heard the whimpering cries of a child. She hunted nearby until the child left the house a few days later and traveled with him for a year before revealing herself to him. He was confused at first. They became closer friends as they continued hunting, eventually getting back 2 of his family's weapons. Extra: Her powers include being able to shift between human and dog form, enhanced strength, speed, senses, healing and agility, being hard to kill and having an infectious bite. Her preferred weapons are her teeth and claws.