[center][h3][color=a36209]Vincent Gulfus[/color][/h3][/center] Vincent had gotten back to his seating just as the announcer had begun announcing the next Match. But Vincent was in lamentation of what had just surpassed between him and Zacharie. Did Vincent give it his all that game. Not really but that is not to say he didn't give it 'some' effort. Maybe the reason he lost was because he did it on purpose. Vincent didn't believe in accidents. His lack of foresight cost him that game. At least Vincent thought it did. However Vincent was enjoying his time here at the Duel tower so far. Nobody really needed to know what he really felt about things. Keeping people happy was his main goal, so he would just stick with his half truths and white lies. Probably not the best way to make friends But Vincent didn't have the guts to keep truthful about things, people would stab you in the back at a moments notice unless you was good friends with them, if you did the slightest thing to make them look bad. You would be cast off like an anchor to be drowned. Vincent turned to look at Zacharie for a moment. The French guy was better then he let on at this game. Vincent continued to glance at Zacharie every so often during the match between Ben and Angelo. Its not like Zacharie could actually be classed as a good friend considering how fast the friendship had been forged but given time Vincent hoped that maybe they could get to the point were one would sacrifice a arm or leg for the other... But what was Vincent saying. things like that only happen in anime or other works of fiction but Life is what you make of It and Vincent was going to do just that with whatever he could. The Match between Ben and Angelo finally reached its climatic finish. It was a good match of course. You could truly feel the intensity in the room, As the Noble knights of old stormed forth. The tables had turned and the Knights claimed victory for the king, It was a grander match then what Vincent had been in. It deserved to be praised for what had transpired their. It was over thought so it was in the past and Vincent needed to focus on the present. which was guessing more of Zacharies French [color=a36209]"I agree with that statement"[/color] Vincent said making a pre-emptive guess Zacharie had said something about Ben and something about judgement. How longer could Vincent keep guessing he didn't really know. [color=a36209]"Hey Zacharie"[/color] Vincent began his voice the same as it always was, upbeat and cheerful with a hint of something underneath. "Are we friends?" Vincent continued as he dropped a bomb of a question. Vincent paused to let that sink in as he continued. [color=a36209]"I mean you won right and if you kept winning... you wouldn't want that streak tarnished by having people whom had lost a lot around you right."[/color] Vincent said with a lowered voice. as somewhere in the back of his mind. He always doubted everything. His mind remembering his time as the child that sat alone by himself. He didn't want to go through that again.