[hr] [color=lightblue]You enter "Y" using the small pop-down keyboard under the screen and...nothing happens. You wait, checking over your shoulder warily. You hear the computer working, small digital clicks and pops behind the screen.[i]This ship is old...[/i] you think. After another minute or two a command module appears on the screen in dull green font.[/color] [hr] [color=green] .... ....... ! >Low-Power Mode >AVAIL. SYS COM ------ >Life SUpport >ENGINEERING >PERSONel[/color][color=red]------!SYS CORR3pT![/color] [color=green]>SHIPS LOG backup[/color] [hr] [color=Lightblue]A small blinking cursor blips below the menu options, waiting for you to type a response.[/color] [hr] [color=red]Inventory [list] [*]Small Med-kit [*]Blaster Pistol [*]Body-Armor [*]Utility Belt [*]Nutrient Pack 11G*8 [*]Multi-tool [*]Data-stick [*]flash light [/list][/color]