[hider=Head Director Saya Momoko][b]Name:[/b] Saya Momoko [b]Nickname:[/b] The Red-Eyed Ghost [b]Age: [/b] 23 [b]School Year:[/b] Head Director [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b][center][img] http://i.imgur.com/vPSv94o.jpg?1[/img][/center] [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Personality:[/b] As the Head Director of Riddle Academy, it is to be expected that Saya Momoko is strict and to the point. She does not tolerate excuses of any kind nor does she permit the presence of slackers and cheaters inside her school. Those who are there to only waste her time and the rest of the staff’s are no better than trash to her. Because of this straightforward mindset, it’s easy to see Saya as a rather cold and emotionless individual. In truth, Saya cares immensely for both her school and her students. She will defend them against any and all threats, even going so far as to declare her life for the protection of her Academy. She’s not above giving praise and advice when it’s needed or due and she can be both gentle and a good listener when she wants to be, much to the surprise of those around her. In essence, an aura of collected calmness surrounds her figure, only overpowered by a feeling of strength. She is also a firm believer of the Academy’s assassin doctrine, having created the ideology herself. Those who do not believe in the Academy’s words or teachings are, again, no better than dirt to her. Those that seek to pervert those ideals and taint the ways of an assassin are nothing more than enemies to be put down. And it is not a wise idea to make an enemy out of the Red-Eyed Ghost. [b]Bio:[/b] No one, not even the Academy’s staff knows the full story behind their Head Director’s past. The most anyone does know so far is that she was a former member of the Yakuza before branching off from their dealings. She might not state it aloud, but it’s heavily implied she dealt with her former group in her own special way. Some time later she ended up monitoring the construction of Riddle Academy in the attempts to train and facilitate the assassins of the next generation, hoping to instill her own code of honor among the students. As a prodigy herself, she quickly took the mantle as Riddle Academy’s Head Director and has remained so ever since. Currently, there are rumors of Saya’s younger sister roaming around Riddle Academy as a newly joined First Year student. Most wouldn’t even know that the Head Director even has a sibling. [b]Weapon:[/b] Saya carries around a deck of cards as well as a seemingly limitless supply of knives on her figure. How she is able to always have a blade on hand is unknown, though she tends to reuse the same deck of cards. Both card and blade can be use for throwing purposes or close-ranged combat. [b]Equipment:[/b] As mentioned before, Saya carries around a deck of cards at hand at all times. These are used both for combat purposes and for entertaining bored students when she wants to teach a disciplinary lesson. [b]Skills:[/b] As the Head Director of Riddle Academy, Rei is an exceptionally powerful figure and is quite known in the assassin world. She excels in all fields the Academy has to offer though some say she has an uncanny ability to read people’s emotions quicker than others. [b]Abilities:[/b] Unknown. [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdQJnneX9i4]Theme[/url][/hider] [hider=Rei Momoko][b]Name:[/b] Rei Momoko [b]Nickname:[/b] The Bloody Bullet [b]Age: [/b] 16 [b]School Year:[/b] First Year [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b][center][img] http://i.imgur.com/MwnKGOt.jpg?1 [/img][/center] [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Personality:[/b] Cold and aloof. If those words don’t tell you what you need to know about Rei Momoko, then there’s a serious problem. The girl doesn’t know anything more than doing her job, nothing more and nothing less. With the discipline and loyalty of a soldier, Rei is quite willing to do anything and everything to ensure the assignment or task is completed above all other costs. That being said, she does seem to have a soft spot for sweets and the like on occasion though that’s about it really. In fact, almost everything she does is professional in some way and she’s had quite a number of admirers in the business because of it. Rei is also a girl who believes there is a God but like her, He’s too busy keeping the world running to consider anything else. She is a realist and lacks the creative mind of ideal fools. It is this behavior that can put her at odds with other students though it’s not unrealistic for her to open up gradually the more one works with her. Aside from all that, Rei Momoko has an utter and deep seated grudge against her older sister, the Head Director of Riddle Academy. She does not like being compared to her nor does buy into her preachy doctrine about assassins in general. But what she really hates is always being inferior in everything her older sister does. Deep down, she knows that she’s nothing more than the Head Director’s shadow and so she’ll do anything to prove that she’s better than the Red-Eyed Ghost. [b]Bio:[/b] Rei Momoko was born into a family of killers, a Yakuza group specially. There was nothing noteworthy or even romantic to say about those early years. Her family was a powerful and an influential one, emphasis being placed on the female members of her Clan due to the fact that they alone bore the family name for the next generation. Thus, it is tradition for all female members to murder their male counterparts once they come of age. Rei was seemingly spared from the gruesome prospect of slaughtering both her father and brother as that burden was eventually taken on by her older sister, Saya Momoko. For a time, Saya kept her younger sibling away from the life of violence they were forced to endure until the Red-Eyed Ghost suddenly disappeared from the Clan one day. For several years, Rei was forced to endure the vigorous training of her Clan alone and without the comfort and love of her older sister. It wasn’t until she was thirteen years of age that Saya finally returned to slay each and every one of their Yakuza group, liberating Rei from her tormented training. That was nearly three years ago. Now Rei is finally old enough to attend the establishment that had stolen her big sister away all those years before: Riddle Academy. With a newfound cold outlook on the world around her and a burning hatred towards her sister’s quick abandonment of her in the past, Rei is willing and ready to complete her training as the perfect assassin. [b]Weapon:[/b] Rei’s weapons of choice are twin FN Five-Seven pistols, each gray in coloration. She also carries on her pistol silencers for espionage, keeping herself concealed when firing. As a sidearm, she also pockets a single military knife. [b]Equipment:[/b] Aside from her guns, Rei carries around numerous flavors of lollipops. Much like her older sister and her deck of cards, Rei seems to have a near endless supply of the candies on her figure at all times. [b]Skills:[/b] As her title implies, Rei is an expert at gun play and tasks that involve incapacitating every target in the room. She is skilled enough to shoot only at points that render enemies unable to fight back. That being said, she is quick on the draw, eyes able to locate a vital spot on the body before striking for the blow. [b]Abilities:[/b] Unknown. [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLAt7BKhOVs]Theme[/url][/hider] [b]RPs Featured In:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/84279-gakuen-kill-academy-of-assassins/ic]~Gakuen Kill: Academy of Assassins~[/url]