As Allura conversed with the necromancer Akira was looking at the floor, counting floor tiles and trying to plan a route of attack that he could cover quickly, and without falling for a devils trap. Then there was the necromancers question, one which Akira was not so keen on becoming the conversations topic. Upon hearing Allura's remark the necromancer softly chuckled to himself [color=f7976a]"Certainly, with pleasure, you see..."[/color] "Ahhh!" Before the necromancer could continue Akira was somewhat aimlessly charging towards him with his sword held ready to strike. The necromancer simply raised his hand and Akira buckled to the floor hard like his legs just gave way. [color=f7976a]"Akira please, there's no need to be so rude. How does it feel, to truly feel like a human once more?"[/color] The demon had not stepped into a devils trap, no that was far less painful. Akira curled up inwards on himself, his face seemed wretched with pain. [color=f7976a]"I imagine not so good. You see the demon was preventing you from feeling pain from all those old injuries."[/color] "You... you... bastard." Akira spoke weakly as he tried to un-curl himself and get to grips with the pain. [color=f7976a]"Yes you're probably right."[/color] The necromancer chuckled. [color=f7976a]"After all this will only temporarily make you human. Well now."[/color] The necromancer turned his attention back to Allura having suppressed Akira. [color=f7976a]"I'm sure you know Akira wishes to separate himself from Volkran. To do that is no simple task, it requires a ritual. That in turn requires souls... a lot of souls, along with the souls of very particular walks of life. Much like myself, though Hades had the courtesy of telling me that I am the last."[/color] The necromancer stepped away from the path between Hades and Akira. [color=f7976a]"What happens to those souls?"[/color] The necromancer asked with a shrug. [color=f7976a]"Well I guess the victor will tell us."[/color] The necromancer raised his hand towards Akira once more, Akira could feel the pain subsiding though something still wasn't right it felt like Volkran was 'missing'. "Allura, stay alert! Don't let him distract you!" Akira called out, his eyes off of the necromancer for a moment, but that's all it took. [color=f7976a]"Hades... Kill him."[/color] As the necromancer spoke he raised his hand as a transparent barrier surrounded Allura. Hades charged forward, unaffected by the trap sigils towards Akira. Having also heard the necromancers words Akira turned his attention just quick enough to parry away Hades' initial swing, though it somewhat knocked his balance, the demon strength was gone. Another swing, Akira had recuperated enough to weakly knock the strike aside. A swift overhead swing knocked Akira down on one knee, the next thing he knew Akira was laying flat on his back, his temple burning from pain after Hades followed up with a fast knee attack. [color=f7976a]"Stop!"[/color] The necromancer called out. Hades kicking Akira's sword away listened to the order. Akira looked to Allura and shook his head insisting she doesn't get involved. [color=f7976a]"Remove your hood Hades!"[/color] Once again following orders, Hades removed his hood, turning back to his human form. [color=f7976a]"Now finish it!"[/color] Hades was hesitant as he held his blade to the downed Akira. [color=f7976a]"I said finish it!"[/color] Upon the necromancer barking a second time a very human cry, absent of the demons roar echo'd through the room as Hades impaled the sword through Akira's palm. The necromancer clapped his hands as Hades glared at him with anger[color=f7976a]"Bravo... you resist even now. Well if you can't kill him, maybe someone you feel less inclined to help."[/color] The necromancers gaze averted to Allura. As if to mimic the necromancer, Hades slowly pulled his sword from Akira's hand also turning to Allura. As he looked at her the now, mortal looking Hades tilted his head at the barrier that separated them. [color=ed1c24]"Ready to die angel?"[/color] Hades asked as a forced twisted smile grew on his face. [color=ed1c24]"Let me send you back to your Lord, where you'll not be able to interfere."[/color] The transparent barrier began to seep away, being lowered by the necromancer. Upon its dispersement Hades raised his sword and went to run forward as something clutched his leg. "Allura get out of here!" Akira helplessly pleaded knowing deep down that Allura wouldn't listen. The last thing Akira would see in this fight, was the back of Hades' boot as the blow knocked him unconscious his grip on Hades leg went limp and the undead warrior charged at his newly given target.