David Stark could hear from down the hall that the party was already getting started. He had fully expected to be late given the circumstances, he just hoped he wasn't going to be the last to show up. Peering around the doorframe, he slid off his backpack and laid it down as he cleared his throat to get some attention. "Hey everyone, sorry I'm late, but I have a good excuse this time. I only played one match too many and then on the way out, I completely forgot something and had to stop to gather up this little beauty" He stepped in around the doorframe, revealing the Xbox One box that he was holding. David was one of the few members of his group of friends who had managed to get a hold of the next-gen system, so he figured he should bring it along. "In all seriousness though" he said as he laid the boxed-up console down alongside his discarded backpack full of controllers and games, then slid off his hoodie and hung it on the back of a nearby chair "I'm late because there was this big traffic jam a few blocks away, it seems like a bunch of traffic lights all decided to go on the fritz at the same time, I had to take the long way around to get here, so who are we still waiting on?"